High Treasurer Revered and Feared:
I am writing to ask for promotion to director of the IMF of a student. As you know, last week made the final evaluation of candidates for financial archidiablos. On this occasion, to see if it had understood the logical malleability of the human race and how Our Lord Satan takes advantage of it by the imposition of Unique Thought , we proposed a critique of the 10 Commandments of Dany ultraliberalism -Robert Dufour, namely
- First Commandment: I will stop driving by selfishness and enter kindly into the herd of consumers.
- Second Commandment: You will use other means to achieve your goals.
- Third Commandment: You worship the idols of your choice, provided that they worship the supreme god, the Market.
- Fourth Commandment: Do not invent excuses to avoid going into the herd.
- Fifth Commandment: everything government takes action and calls for "good governance".
- Sixth Commandment: offend any teacher who is able to educate you.
- Seventh Commandment: Ignore barbarize grammar and vocabulary.
- Eighth Commandment : to violate the law without getting caught.
- Ninth Commandment: [in art] knocked down the door open indefinitely by Duchamp.
I enclose the response of my ward.
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"The idea is repulsive Essentially, of the Society held together only by the relations and feelings Arising out of pecuniary interest"
(John Stuart Mill)
It cites evidence how easy it is to manipulate the human race. Both economists and the general public have a doctrine of utilitarianism as opposed to what it is. Much the same applies to the concept of "invisible hand" of Adam Smith, who was taken out of context and distorted to make it a sort of "proof" that the best is the rule of law of the jungle. Why is it so matute single strain of an entire body of doctrine inconsistent? My thesis: because humans seem unable to verify the information effectively, both temporally and spatially.
inconsistency .- These protosimian are unable to assess the evolution of things. Therefore, do not see that an ideology that has its recent origins in the Conservative Revolution of Reagan and Thatcher and litanies for oligophrenic (such as "society does not exist, only individuals," the State Not solution is the problem ") can not be successful. Nor do I understand how illogical that a proposed "freedom" could not be experienced for the first time but dictatorships Pinochet and Suharto . Do not react to early warnings, as the Enron case (illustrating the bluff of the self mask necessary in the conspiracy to the theft of large companies, auditors, legal advisors, rating agencies and investment banks in this case also corrupt members of governments, local and federal). Finally, do not draw the logical consequence that if results of the experiments were fatal (in the case of Chile's GDP fell by 15% in a year and a rise in unemployment from 3% to 20%, not to mention other atrocities and excesses of the new regime ), do not expect anything else of its generalization.
spatial inconsistencies .- These creatures of children's thinking are reluctant to let them set an arbitrary focus, what the international agencies and media controlled by we do constantly. Once this is achieved are not able to find another falsification side. Examples:
1. The austerity current policies, which have been shown in countries like Ireland, which do not function or work, compared to other places that apply Keynesian means that work (Asia, Brazil, etc.).
2. The fact that we have achieved so easily that focus on macroeconomic aggregates more or less metaphysical as inflation or money supply, instead of measuring the most relevant variables such as inequality , generated mistrust, poor health, poor education and reduced life expectancy between others. They go unnoticed that the 225 richest people in the world hold the same wealth as the poorest 2,500,000,000.
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