Sunday, February 27, 2011

Single Serving Blender Recipes

Neoliberalism: crime and disaster.

Neoliberalism, the lack of color of money, lack of accountability to the actions and lack of limits on the concentration of power, which makes large criminal organizations businesses, large corporations in criminal organizations and the economy as the inability to distinguish between them.

I wanted to do a post down to one sentence, a meme that can drive the debate and reflection. I think the best criticism is one that is based on solid arguments , but I did not want to dwell able to accommodate more serious news of the consequences of our economic model. Hard to understand why we do not react. The planet is on the verge of collapse and a point of no return. It is a disaster movie, it is real suffering. Neoliberalism is not the only culprit of the disaster, but the major obstacle to avoid.

Neoliberalism: This scam pyramid whose most famous expression "privatize profits and socialize losses" meant "thin democratic states" and determine the degree of freedom of the people in a unique way to status economic. The only place where neo-liberalism shows a degree of ingenuity is in the development of euphemisms. The first scam of neoliberalism in the myth of the self, because to say that an economic model based on continued growth in a closed system is self-regulated, is like saying that a plague of locusts is self-regulated while suffering a population explosion.

The lack of color of money: narco, arms trade, speculation on food prices, human trafficking, corruption , tax havens ... Any result of "private" inside and outside government. Money is money, and no control over how to get back to being ruled by criminals.

The lack of accountability to the actions: witnessing a phenomenon that is not new in history: the freedom-responsibility relationship is dissociated into an economic model where freedom is subject to the possession of wealth . But far from requiring greater accountability of who has greater capacity for action, the values \u200b\u200bare reversed and requiring greater responsibility to those who have lesser degrees of freedom. Guard down to relying on a new totalitarianism.

The absence of limits on the concentration of power: The deregulation of markets, neoliberal globalization process has led to the worsening economic and social inequalities. The illusion of progress achieved by dint of externalities, the pillaging and degradation of all the commons of the Earth shows its most alarming consequences in the tragedy of the global ecosystem to which we belong. While climate debts remain unpaid, the damage of financial speculation on world population fall.

The greatest of all crimes:
Because they knew. They knew that the collapse could be avoided and concealed the gravity of the situation. Nothing in the history of mankind is comparable to that :

Emissions of CO2 and methane from Arctic permafrost has already begun and will be net in the year 2020. The process is irreversible.

is just the beginning of a chain reaction. The road to point of no return . There seems no coincidence that this kind of news to pass on tiptoe, almost as an eccentricity in the media. And yet cover should be continuous.
Perhaps the most shameful and despicable externality of capitalism is one that places the burden on the future, our descendants, the task of repairing the irreparable or simply perish.

Author: Gaia Way

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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U.S. Commander of the Korean Peninsula suggests supertensión

Pyongyang, February 23 (KCNA) - On day 16, the commander of the 7th U.S. fleet further said that during the military exercises between the U.S. and South Korea, his country located with the continuous aircraft carrier in the West Sea of \u200b\u200bKorea.

This word shows unhealthy attempt by the U.S. aggravating the tension on the Korean Peninsula and the rest of Northeast Asia.

As is already known, last year, U.S. invented on the Korean Peninsula incident of collapse of the corvette Korean "Cheonan" and the case of guns on the island Yonphyong, and pretexts, introduced in the East and West Sea of \u200b\u200bKorea on nuclear aircraft carrier-sized super-size "George Washington" and developed joint maritime exercises larger.

Undoubtedly, these military actions were an open provocation against the DPRK to run her over with the armed forces and serious challenges to the Korean people's aspiration of mankind to peace and stability on the Korean peninsula.

However, the commander of the 7th U.S. fleet with the carrier noted that "U.S. naval forces will continue their operational activities on the high seas, ie in the Sea of \u200b\u200bJapan or South China Sea, "saying that the introduction of" George Washington ", belonged to the Seventh Fleet, was contributed to the stability of the Korean Peninsula and the rest Northeast Asia.

Such words uttered on the eve of the joint drills "Key Resolve" and "Hen" between the U.S. and South Korean puppet army, which caused the incident "Cheonan, suggest to our army and people of supertensión to be created again in the Korean Peninsula.
Source: Central News Agency of Korea.

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Okinawa: U.S. base for aggression In Korea

Pyongyang, February 23 (KCNA) - The U.S. and Japan came plotting a long time to convert a military base in Okinawa for aggression against Korea.

Japanese in this town are concentrated more than 40 000 soldiers and more than 60 bases of U.S. troops even Kadena airport, larger naval base in the Far East with two tracks of 4000 meters. And there are tactical and strategic air forces and naval aviation.

In the past Korean War U.S. used this island as their base of operations and military supplies. And it strengthens its military capacity to attach great strategic importance.

Hace poco, se dio a la publicidad un documento diplomático que revela que desde la década de 1960 el gobierno japonés consideraba la base militar de Okinawa como un disuasivo para el tiempo de emergencia de la Península Coreana.

Las fuerzas armadas concentradas en la base militar de Okinawa dirigen la cabeza de ataque a la Península Coreana.

Uno de su grueso es la infantería de marina de EE.UU.

En Okinawa se estacionan más de 15 mil efectivos de la marina incluso la división no. 3.

Siempre que se desarrollaban los ejercicios militares conjuntos entre EE.UU. y Japón, entre EE.UU.y los títeres surcoreanos en el Sur de Corea y su contorno, esta unidad desempeña un rol edge. U.S.

Okinawa as a forward base considers most appropriate to carry out its strategy for Korea.

no.18 Aviation is another U.S. unit is in combat readiness to attack the Korean peninsula. The fighter planes of different types belonging to this task review and refine the air operations taking part in military exercises between the U.S. and South Korea and US and Japan.

The worst part is that the aircraft as "RC-135", "EP-3", "WC-135W" and "U-2, located on a military base in Kadena, are delivered to the aerial espionage on the general state of the Korean peninsula. Okinawa

becomes Output base, intermediate and supplies to U.S. troops for aggression against Korea.

Japan must reflect the consequences emanating from the grant of its territory to the U.S., in adherence to its policy of war.
Source: Central News Agency of Korea.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wedding Messages For Fiancé

Thaek Hyon, atypical Unification Minister of South Korea

The Chinese newspaper Zhongguo Guofengbao inserted the January 4 article entitled "In Thaek Hyon: atypical Unification Minister of South Korea."

According to the newspaper, the Ministry of Unification of south Korea stipulated in the roadmap for the new year, recently presented President, which would make 2011 "the first year of preparations for reunification" and actively boost the "reunification through absorption."

recently held a survey in South Korea on the entities to be removed first and the most unemployed, the paper begins and continues:

According to the survey result, the Unification Ministry ranked first in entities that must be removed first and the second in less busy.

This shows that its policy on the North and their work did not obtain the approval of the population. In Hyon

Thaek received a doctorate degree in politics after completing his studies in the United States. For this history has been notorious supporter who praises much pro-US "democratic politics" and "conception of human rights" of U.S. With the support of this rule, Hyon could take the post of Minister of Reunification.

are equal insistence Hyon and the U.S. approach in managing the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula.

Based on its strategic interests, U.S. do not want the relaxation of strained relations between the two sides far Korean reunification on the Korean peninsula.

Therefore, at the proposal of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to improve relations between the two countries, U.S. takes the attitude of not discussing the subject before the first renounce nuclear weapons first. If the U.S.

is unrealistic to insist that position, will complicate the problem so hopeless.

The "denuclearization, opening and $ 3 000" electoral program of Lee Myung Bak for the presidency, was also raised by Hyon, a member of the advisory panel of foreign policy under U.S. influence

The current situation of inter-Korean relations is the "merits" of Hyon that coordinates the U.S. position

international society now generally regarded as two sides of the Peninsula Korean reunification should be achieved peacefully through sincere talks.

However, Hyon has no interest in the way of reunification through dialogue based on equality, but insists that the territorial reintegration of the Korean Peninsula should be achieved with the "collapse" of the North Korean regime and by absorbing it to South Korea.

further argues that in this course, the Unification Ministry should be developed not as a "talk" but to "absorption."

wishful thinking with the way of reunification of Germany, widely disseminated theory of collapse of North Korea "and deposits hope in the "internal change" it. He says that South Korea should promote initiatives that change for the "reunification through absorption."

Many South Koreans are skeptical of this plan compared to Hyon unattainable utopia.
Source: Press of the DPRK.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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These times we live in, uncertain and exciting, we have become witnesses of emergency events which future generations will study in the history books.
The immolation of a young man desperate lit the spark that has broken down and corrupt dictatorships masquerading as democracies, has highlighted the immense cynicism of the Western world obsessed with the realpolitik. Never mind that Ben Ali Mubarak or looted plunging its people into misery, enough that they were our allies, and if anyone dared to question the man threatened to sack: Islamists coming! And everything was a few channels that seemed unchangeable.
In my student days I was fortunate to have an old, wise and somewhat eccentric professor who taught us that revolutions are not coincidental that there is always behind ideologues who dare to formulate new principles that society is yours until it explodes revolt.
course he had not lived in a globalized world and in the era of information highways. No idea that, thanks to the Internet, could know at the moment what is happening in the antipodes.
blogs and social networks have facilitated the spread of ideas in a very short period of time. This, coupled with endemic poverty and discontent of an oppressed society, have done the rest. The revolutions are brewing in cyberspace and demonstrations are held in Facebook or via mobile phones.
Tunisian and Egyptian revolts, experts say, will have a domino effect that will cause the fall of other leaders and that will spread like wildfire throughout the Maghreb and the Middle East.
Perhaps they are right, yesterday we saw sparks in Algeria timid. Rumor In Morocco, the Makhzen is so restless that it has hired an army of computer experts to neutralize cyber.
assail me ambivalent feelings about these two countries, I hope that comes immediately to Morocco but I fear what might happen in Algeria since my children are there, the weakest and most vulnerable in this chain: a state in exile within a state guest for all dependent.
Have they learned their lesson our politicians? Yesterday on TV the defense minister intoned the "mea culpa", said to have been wrong about the southern Mediterranean neighbors, who had been too cautious and benevolent.
Yet another illustrious minister says that what happened in Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco will never happen, because the divine king and democratic reforms started long ago and Bono is visiting the bloody Equatorial Guinea Obiang. He says there are more things that unite us than divide us.
Yesterday I had a friend who, in 1975, a Saharawi delegation visited Guinea and the manager was careful guidance and now president. They gave him a thousand dollars to the change, the kind of picked it up and see that today is the day that has yet to find the office Exchange because it did not again see the white-fronted.
I hope these impulses are not kleptomaniacs which unite us but, apparently seen by our Spain, do not know what to think.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How To Decorate A Cake Using A Ziplock Bag


no doubt whatever density we live. I do not intend to turn this into a diary, not even a note of urgency, but I will allow that outlines some of the aspects that report, I / we occupy. Is jasmine revolution that has spread to Egypt, for example. From the outside look like a liberation movement that I support without question. Yet they can also realize how bad things are done: Europe and USA fought for years to dictatorial governments of these countries because they represented an obstacle to radical Islam. Obviously the radical Islamism as little as I like them, but the best way to combat it was to support these dictatorships or soft dictatorship? I think it is of course not.

has also been very amusing to see the ridiculous in Europe: here no one spoke until he did Obama. Then yes, when they have permission from the boss, we all fill your mouth and say things higher and clearer than anyone. But first we have to talk the boss. We

these days also had a funny note, as a harmless joke: the ascent to the Marquis of a football coach and a great writer, but fascist. It's like a joke, do not tell me. I'm glad because with these ridiculous and silly things monarchical what seems increasingly to a bad operetta.

In the best of these weeks: the imminent publication of a new novel by my dear and admired Juan Marse: Calligraphy dreams. And back to what we like about him: aventis and neighborhood Health postwar dreams turned into collective hallucinations. Return to the great portrait of the characters and the creation of a thug and limit climate. In an interview on Saturday claimed Marsé Babelia fiction. In it, I read a powerful statement: "Sometimes there is more truth in fiction than everyday reality. For example, I often read things in the press that the just do not believe me. I'll say it another way, for me Madame Bovary is more real than Mrs. Esperanza Aguirre. " Great phrase. I agree with Mars. In fact, I think Esperanza Aguirre does not exist.

All is still as crystal clear. We have, for example, lehendakari Lopez is one of those socialists who discouraged me and give me bad feeling. The pact with the PP has crime, but more so his particular defense Euskera language theory should occupy him bluntly. Has proposed to form an advisory board of the Basque language and turncoat to impresentable Jon Juaristi, a close friend of the aforementioned Esperanza, which is credited with such immortal phrases as "I'll never speak Euskera your ungrateful," for me is a language of the past "or" Without it, would have an upset, but not great. " Well I will defend, so he looks. Well, once again the Socialists comfort of the PP and making the block independence grows. They're aces.

And the last thing I want to gloss has to do with some current controversy is these days in Barcelona. The UGT union relented rules a site that was in Barcelona's Olympic Village for the construction of protected flats, these flats which are then delivered by lot. He wanted the fate of two of those floors have gone to two leaders of the union, and a third sister of the secretary general. The case, titled in some way as Chanchullo the UGT, merely confirm the dismay that grips us. For those interested, here are some pages that talk in detail about the case: 1 , and 2 3 .

I always applaud those who contribute, with great consistency, to make life better. Never fall into the systematic denigration the political or trade unionist. There are many good ones. But this does not conflict with my anger with some unions and the required reporting of certain attitudes. Also in Barcelona there is conflict between several unions that are fighting over a meter or a meter less, and other unions that require the state's coffers modern and comfortable. I guess I knew and that is logical, but remember the other day that union facilities are paid by the State gave me bad scene: not the best way is not the cleanest. The issue of financing of trade unions, of which so little is spoken, must be ever on the table. Or every day the workers will make less If his instructions. Txema

in his blog, has a pair of tickets when I read this weekend I thought that complemented some of what I wanted to say I'm here. Links them because he gave me his permission (it and it.) Their critical but constructive I think that just means we all need, on that topic and others. Anyway, happy week.