Thursday, March 31, 2011

Where To Buy Damask Paper

no historical memory. SPRING

De: ¨ declasse ¨ [mailto: XXXX]

Sent: Thursday, December 2, 2004 15: 56


Subject: Cemeteries French.

Dear colleagues: I was recently part of the French Pyrenees. We were surprised how beautiful they were the cemeteries, so we went to verlos.Sobre the tombstones had multiple plates framed reminders of the dead for having fought in the resistance. We were warming to see this and continue looking. What was our surprise when the most neglected of individual tombstones cemetery names Castilians, Basques, Catalans etc. In some of these headstones had warnings that had happened within the tenant's occupation and if anyone came back to pay the rent were available to hold someone back. The date of many deaths (of birth was not) coincided with the war, some of them put workers chantier ¨ ¨. I guess you know all this already. But just in case I mention you. Having discovered this repeated in several cemeteries, all from small towns and the tone was repeated but not as often as we buscabamos.De should still be a daunting task, track all the cemeteries in France. We knew that the south of France had been liberated from the Nazis by the guerrillas Iberian, which we think that maybe there are busque.Port missing if someone serves you something, I went to France for parallel Somport and walked across the border to leave by the Vall d'Aran. I did not enter any cemetery in major towns such as Lourdes, Pau or Luchon, only small cemeteries easier to comb.
A hug, continue with your work.
------------- Dear
Much work remains ahead. There are few resources and fewer means, but here we are doing what we can and trying to create structures to get to everything and everywhere.
Thanks for the information and a fraternal hug
------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------
(Mails copied verbatim, misspellings of both parties are the product of improvisation.)
As can be seen at the junction of mails, back in 2004 when the narrative detail caught my attention. Interested, I soon discovered that the South of France was liberated from Nazism by the English. So much was this release that de Gaulle himself scares before the literal fact of having English armed gangs controlling the South. A dark episode for ¨ The grandeur of France "where we seem to every Frenchman was a strong and obvious that there were more felons who croissants.
I bring, copied from here, one of the feats of these English and no country, no other horizon than fight fascism wherever they find themselves:

The third of the great feats of Cristino was the battle of the Madeleine, famous throughout France. This was one of the most important actions of the guerrillas of the 21 th Brigade, 3rd Division, commanded by Cristino.
mid-August 1944, and made the Allied landing in Normandy, the fighters are ordered to hinder the German maneuvers designed maximum to accumulate reserves in areas close to the landing. Cristino is reported that a column in the output of Toulouse Wehrmacht march to Paris. Has been seen in Albi and Beziers and the world seems nothing will hinder his march towards the area where you will enter combat.
The column, from Saint-Hyppolite, will be forced through the junction of the Madeleine, near Tornac, near the castle of the same name, in the direction of Anduze or Nimes. Caracoles The narrow road through a dense forest, cross the railroad bridge Lezana-Anduze and continues for a stretch of straight and clear.
On August 24, 1944, at dawn, a detachment of thirty-four guerrillas 21 Brigade under Commander Gabriel Perez, arrive there. Then do four FTPF French in the battle hardened men and experts familiar with that field, advising them in detail where to locate. Take a stand on the heights surrounding Tornac Castle, which overlooks the road and the railway embankment, while specialists in handling dynamite tracks placed explosive charges under the two bridges: the road and rail.

Around three in the afternoon, those who stand guard sighted in the distance a group of riders heading a large German army column, composed of sixty trucks, three guns and five tanks, with a thousand and a half men. After a brief exchange of views, in command are given strict orders to stay each in his post pending the column was approaching the bridge and part of it began to meet, from which point they would fly bridge , between the junction of the road and people Tornac, whose population in anticipation of events had been evacuated the night before.
The guerrilla chief gives order to blow up the bridge, cutting off the railway and highway. A new explosion intersects the road behind the column. The caravan is Germanic immobilized unable to advance or retreat.
is engaged in a fierce battle which lasted until nightfall. Germans believe that enemy forces are far superior in numbers and weaponry, they play a ceasefire. The reality is that you have placed in strategic locations chosen and the fire can be concentrated where they are bound to happen. Bewildered, the Teutons decided to form a box to prevent surprise attacks and resist until night comes. After late at night, their tanks trying to break the siege that they have done, which offers vulnerable flanks. To stop the advance of tanks, stands a group of bombers, which achieves rapid and accurate disable four tanks and leave "stuck" on the site to the attacking forces, who do not return to make another attempt until the following day, when, good morning, five German officers, a white flag, come to parley.
seem to be willing to surrender and fifteen German officers come to parley with the English command. As a prerequisite say only surrender to the Regular Army officers and soldiers not to hand. By the guerrillas will propose that, if they come with two or three of its senior officers will accompany you to see the gendarmerie commander French Anduze, the nearest place where they are.
I say agree and is committed to a truce of two hours. Two officers were taken to enemies I went to negotiate with the English leaders in the presence of the French Gendarmerie, represented by the post commander, the only regular representation of the region. The Germans insist that they allow free passage, promising in return not to attack the guerrillas. Cristino, according to the commander of the Gendarmerie, proposes, instead, to surrender unconditionally.
Germans before the end of the bargain, thinking to surprise the besiegers, breaking the truce by launching a furious attack on guerrilla positions with artillery, tanks, mortars and automatic weapons, which extends over two hours. While they fight, they get a little boost of several dozen rebels and French gendarmes, who had repeatedly asked the command post of the French Forces of the Interior (FFI). This allows them to strengthen lines of defense, filling the gaps in their positions and close a little better the siege of the attacking forces.

Halfway through the morning, you see a German soldier waving a white flag, one of the officers gets up and goes to him. Just a few steps, restart the massive shooting, followed by a strong attack against guerrilla positions. Given the difficulties faced to penetrate our line of defense, desperate and powerless, stormed forward in a third attack, willing to break the ram that prevents them from moving, and perhaps had achieved had not intervened in time, as "falling from the sky "British aviation, flying at ground level so as not to miss the mark, start throwing fire and dropping bombs on German lines, causing panic, confusion, and left on the ground dozens and dozens of dead and wounded Germans . Demoralized by the unexpected attack aviation English at noon raise the white flag and surrender, this time without conditions. A few hundred Germans
are taken prisoner, also left to French guerrilla large quantities of arms and ammunition, more machine guns, anti-tanks, trucks and light armored. His chief Konrad A. Nietzsche Martin is naked, burning clothing and documents, fuel is sprayed, glued fire and shoot the wall, unable to cope with the panic of falling into the hands of a handful of guerrillas and ashamed for having capitulated so insignificant forces. Consummated the surrender, his own colleagues come to collect the wounded and sick, approximate number two hundred, to evacuate the French hospitals, while the dead are buried in the vicinity of which had been the battlefield. From the English side, there are only three bullet wounds, fortunately without serious any of them.
The names of the fighters who participated in the contest were: Gabriel Pérez, Gregorio Izquierdo, Antonio Fernández, Joaquín Arasanz, Pedro Vicente, Angel Suarez, Francisco Carranque, Antonio Espada, Francisco Estévez, Luis Fernández, Joaquín Almazón, Alejandro Moreno, Eduardo Fuertes, José Sanz, Sabino Encina, Eduardo Puente, Victoriano Huerta, Severo Ferrials, Pascual Fernández, Julio Béjar, Francisco Esteban, Julio Rodriguez. For his part in the battle of the Madeleine, they were all named in the General Order 35, by General Ollería division, commander of Military Region IX, which involves the award of the Croix de Guerre with Silver Star, in Marseille, on October 25, 1946. This memorable battle won the German army put an end to the participation of English guerrillas in the fight against Germanic occupation troops in France. For many of them were, however, the beginning of another page, actually continuing the fight against the Franco dictatorship that ended six years after the English Civil War in the years 1936-39, was persecuting, torturing and shooting at our country by the mere fact of having political ideas and try to organize for better able to defend them. This time, the fight would be in the homeland against the oppressive regime and in defense of freedom and democracy in Spain. -------------------------------------------------

chantier Workers ¨ ¨. English forest factories where organized resistance began under the banner of the Communist Party. Chantier hundreds of workers from French cemeteries scattered . On the date of death were fighting the Nazis, except for die another death. Muertos out of memory, which forgets Franco seems normal, very normal. But what about Democracy ¨ ¨? No interest, no died against Franco. They are not media. They have their Garzón. They were just some guys who died after take years to war against an enemy who changed his name, but for them it was always the same. Some guys who by now probably have lost their piece of land, unmarked, unnamed at the end of the concession. Some guys who, unlike the French who died for his country, had no flowers, no one cared for their graves and had to strain his eyes to distinguish between the dirt, his name on the headstone insctrito. Some guys that one day they fought for a better world and were lucky to die, sword in hand, not knowing the shit that would become communism. Chantier only were workers with a English name. They are just forgotten and neglected history of his country.
that someday I would write something about it. I've done.

To learn more about this fascinating history of the liberation of Southern France, the best thing I know is ¨ last quest. Republicans who defeated Hitler. ¨ Secundino of Serrano.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fond Ecran Peter Rabbit

Fifth installment of the "Education in her Democratic People's Republic of Korea" (João Nogueira)

Education in DPR Korea
- Part V -

Juan Nogueira López
( Download PDF )

In this last part, I close the discussion on Education in Korea . I have discussed so far the history of education in the northern part of the country and the principles on which it sits.

Now I want to do a review of what would be the educational life of a North Korean media. To tell, and knowing that this article will precede 4 long exposures, I do partly in narrative form. The heroine of this fiction is a girl Call Kim Mi Hyang.

4 - Early years: the pre-school age.

The protagonist of our story, the girl Kim Mi Hyang, born in February 1981. February is a very cold in Korea, with temperatures below freezing in most areas of the northern part of the peninsula. Specifically, Kim Mi Hyang sees the light in a village in the northeast, near the border with China: Hoeryong.

Hoeryong City was founded in the fifteenth century, as one of six defensive positions the ancient kingdom of Koryo established on its borders. At the time of birth Hyang Mi Kim, the former Hoeryong nothing left. Hoeryong is now a modern mining and industrial city, specializing in the production of paper. The Hoeryong Maternity Hospital is located at the foot of the hill Osan, so from the large windows of the rooms you can see spectacular views. For the mother, the placement lasts 7 days, at a cost equivalent to full salary
two months. However, she, like everyone in the country, medical care is given completely free, without exception.

Hyang's mother is from the time of birth the small 150 days of maternity leave. During this period, Kim Yong Mi will keep your salary and you are sure you can return to work when his term ends low. However, parents have long Hyang thinking of moving to the country's capital, Pyongyang. Bak, Hyang's father is assistant transportation engineer, specializing in railways. His work forces him to live between the capital and Hoeryong. I, meanwhile, is assistant engineer in the electricity sector. Rather than return to her job, has requested a license for a year to study at Kim Chaek University of Technology in Pyongyang. After completing the course, will be promoted to the rank of engineer. Although still not been answered, chances are that the answer is yes, because in October last year, the Korean Workers' Party adopted the aim of intellectualizing the whole society. This means that adults have great facilities for the study.

Over the next three months, Hyang lacks nothing. Is continuous checkups and his mother has time to deal with it. Food, clothing and housing are subsidized, so a family member is not an economic burden. However, I can not wait to know what happens to transfer to Pyongyang. It goes to the office of citizen services of Hoeryong. Under Article 69 of the Korean Constitution, "The citizen can file a complaint or petition. The State must ensure that complaints and requests are reviewed and responded fairly as provided by law. "My very aware of this and know that officials can address issues of bureaucratic form, but must take responsibility for the problems of people and give them comprehensive, looking for every human form One of the problems. The official says he is in it, but it takes time because you have to coordinate many aspects: finding a new home, the Kim Chaek University accepts the registration of Me, that the company

My search for a replacement, ... However, a few days after visiting the office, the family receives the news: approving the transfer. The new residence will be in the neighborhood of Moranbong Pyongyang with the option of moving to new neighborhoods or Kuangbok Munsu, upon termination of its construction. The move was made in August, but not difficult to transport problems and the winding roads between the eastern and Pyongyang.

In September, I began the course at the University Kim Chaek. In the same way that she goes to a University course for specialist workers, 85 factory complexes have their own colleges. Many workers also opt for evening classes or correspondence. In any case, returning to Me, your daughter needs to stay in a nursery near the university. Across the country there are scattered houses 27'795 cribs at that time. Thus, 936'000 niños en edad prescolar acceden a casas cuna. Mi puede elegir dónde le viene mejor que esté internada su hija: cerca de su lugar de trabajo, cerca de su lugar de residencia,...

En septiembre, Hyang aún solo tiene seís meses. Para los menores de siete meses, la casa cuna ofrece cuidados variados. A partir de los siete meses, en la casa cuna se esfuerzan por destetarlos y a partir del año y medio se les enseña a tomar alimentos variados. Una vez los niños alcanzan los tres años, comienzan a recibir educación pre-guardería. Cada casa cuna tiene un tamaño adecuado al número de alumnos admitidos y están bien equipadas. Esto contrasta con la situación antes de la Revolución, as in Korea there were no houses or nursery crib.

In 1985, his term ends Hyang nursery and go to the nursery, where he received two years of pre-school education. The country gives preschool children in daycare to 720'000. As nurseries, Nursery are virtually everywhere. In the neighborhood Moranbong, where the family lives, opened three years after the Nursery "Kim Jong Suk" in semi-boarding system.

The nursery would have been perfect for the family, as the semi-boarding scheme had been very flexible for Me. In the semi-boarding system, parents can pick up their children at any time. They may even let you sleep in the nursery.

This model of care is designed specifically for parents who travel frequently, such as Bak.

In fact, there are three models of nursery and kindergarten. The first model is the daily childcare, where parents pick up their children each day. The second model is the third weekly and monthly. Both the second and the third are semi-boarding school.

The creation of the huge network of nurseries and childcare in Korea had a strong character to free the mother of housework. Therefore, the first kindergarten in U.S. history was called "8 March. "

The nursery "Kim Jong Suk", meanwhile, has the name of a guerrilla from precisely the city of Hoeryong. For a difference of three years, Hyang could not get in this nursery. However, no substantial differences in quality among the country's kindergartens 37'000. Hyang

agreed, finally, to the nursery "Changgwang" not far from the river Pottong. One of the key aspects of the center's preschool care. Free, Hyang was vaccinated. All nurseries and kindergartens are equipped with medical facilities to date. Hyang and her colleagues have spacious outdoor areas for play and physical development.

gaming devices are also used to make that small, while gymnastics. On the other hand, in nurseries and kindergartens, it is encouraging the development of noble moral qualities and good manners. A Korean saying states that "an acquired habit three years, lasted until the eighties." Therefore, since its entry into the home cradle, Hyang is taught to respect their peers, to provide the best things to others rather than to arrogate to itself, to take care of toys, tables, chairs. .. etc.

In pre-school learning Hyang to pick up a pencil, write and read simple sentences, count and do simple arithmetic, singing, dancing and even playing instruments. His nursery has about 300 stuffed animals, so from small, Hyang learn by seeing and touching herself.

In support of learning, there are radio programs specifically for children, all children in the Nursery
Kim Jong Suk, during our morning visit in 2008, serving for nurseries across the country. In addition, this journal Kotbong-ori, aimed at children in preschool. In 2007, improved the curriculum of childcare, improving learning the Korean language and counting. But that I live a generation of post-Hyang.

Academic All this attention is complemented by measures to provide childcare of the best facilities possible and adequate food. In the construction of new neighborhoods, such as those experienced in Pyongyang during the 80's, took precedence of crèches and nurseries to other centers. True, in any case, it was not always this way and that is after 60 when he gives a big boost to the construction of an extensive network of pre-school. On the other hand, every care is assigned a farm that provides fresh produce every day, such as milk, yogurt, rice ... For all this, there is a saying in Korea that are the only republic with a king: all the country children are kings. All your needs are met.

5 - The years of first and secondary

Hyang entering school in 1987, with 6 years. Ahead has 11 years of compulsory education. His new school is the school number on Pottonggang district, near his old daycare.

Your school is equipped with a library with 100,000 books, laboratories, swimming pool and a room equipped with the structure of a car, to teach students about the practice itself. The school has a reputation for high level in mathematics and in the hallways there are several portraits of students in the past won the International Mathematics Olympiad. Also

Kim Ki Nam and Kwan Ho Hyok, school alumni who are now renowned scientists in Korea.

Since 1956, 100% of school-age students enrolled in primary education. Since 1958, the school also. Hyang School is one among more than 4792's in the country.

From Year to Hyang make you think for itself. Their teachers are usually split into pairs to prepare a reasoned response and group classes are based on what the Korean teachers call a heuristic. Often introduce audiovisual material from high school and practices will become more frequent.

In 1989, when Hyang attends third grade, followed by several important events. On the one hand, Hyang's best friend, San, change of school. Both Hyang and San are now specialized in playing the violin since a young age, all Korean children learn to play at least one instrument. But San plays the violin with great talent, and it is accepted at the school Manjong of Pyongyang, which specializes in music.

At primary level, Hyang favorite subject in any case, it was Science. Aside from this, and Music, Hyang was, inter alia, Drawing, Mathematics, Korean Language, Forestry, Crafts and Sports. In secondary education will become more technical and Statue of a pioneer, into an ideological institute, with subjects like Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics, Foreign Languages, History of the Revolution, History, ... But there are still a few years for high school and many things will change in Korea then.

For now, summer of 1989, everything changes. The city is decked out and begin walking the streets young people around the world. Is the XIII World Festival of Youth and Students, the first held in a country Asia. Hyang, along with hundreds of thousands of youth in the country, came to see the parades and festival events.

If a name is repeated during those days is the Rim His Kiong.
Hyang, of that, can not understand what he had done to deserve this young title heroine. In fact, many women have received this name in Korea. Kim Jong Suk, for example, had led a mostly female battalion during the war against Japan. It is therefore known as a hero of independence. Lie Gye San, a poor farmer, was the heroine of the literacy campaign. And now Rim His Kiong is the heroine of the Reunification. Later Kiong is understood that the most important representative of the student union in South Korea and has gone to Pyongyang in secret, knowing that you wait your turn Seoul jails. Rim His Kiong up with thousands of young people to the border at Festival Pammunjon. When crossing the border, and in front of cameras around the world, American soldiers pounced on her and put into a helicopter. Their destination is the cold, gray interrogation room of the sinister secret police South Korea in Seoul.

Finally, throughout the Festival was organized locally by the League of Socialist Working Youth, part of the World Federation Democratic Youth. The League, in Korea, not only organizes festivals. In fact, this is only a secondary part of its activity. The Youth League is a huge organization they belong to well over half the young people of Korea. It has presence in factories, schools, universities and in the military. Is organized through the basic cell, intermediate committees and a central committee. Every five years there is a Congress. The choice of the responsible bodies and is fully democratic, through democratic centralism. This educates small to Koreans in the collective work, accountability and responsibility.

With 8 years, Hyang not yet a member of the Youth League, but the Korean Children's Union, the section of pioneers. Also his friend San and most boys and girls in her class.

If the year had begun with the bitter taste of goodbye to his friend St., 1989 to May Day Stadium, during the XIII Festival Rim His Kiong has a climate of uncertainty. The wall has fallen, do not talk about something else. Everyone has a clear idea that the revolution is still alive in Korea. Gorbachev while he openly describes as the "Judas of the twentieth century," Rodong Sinmun, the largest newspaper says that in a country self-sufficient DPR Korea as there is no danger of infection, after the collapse of the socialist camp. But there is some concern, behind the official optimism.

One of the measures taken after 1990, is to increase political and ideological content.

Above all, it seeks to prevent young people, future successors of the revolution, are not prepared to face the considerable challenges that Korea faces in the 90's.

In any case, there was never really a relaxation on ideology in Korea.

Hyang, since his daycare, had heard the name of Kim Il Sung, but then in the form of stories to exemplify. Pero el estudio sistemático de ciencias sociales, con la política y las obras y el pensamiento del “Gran Líder” (como se le conoce en Corea del Norte) como centro, comienza a partir de la secundaria.
Entre 1991 y 1994, el país aguanta la embestida del bloqueo económico, tras el fin del comercio socialista. Los coches prácticamente desaparecen de las carreteras, así como numerosos servicios dependientes de los hidrocarburos. Pero para Hyang, la vida sigue siendo relativamente fácil. La austeridad decretada por el gobierno excluye en todo momento los servicios sociales, por lo que su escuela se mantuvo en las condiciones habituales. También siguieron abiertas las piscinas públicas, los parques juveniles and even some weekends, the Mangyongdae Amusement Park.

But, especially, to the delight of Hyang, held open the Palaces of Children and Students. In total, more than 60 spread across the country. Are huge centers for extracurricular activities. Children can go free to play sports, languages, art, music, ... Hyang regularly goes to the Palace of Children and Students Mangyongdae, on the outskirts of the capital and the largest in the country. At one time, 5000 children may be offering different kinds of activities inside. Even in difficult times, these centers continued open to the "kings of the country."

If a year in which everything truly turned to the North Koreans, that was 1994, the beginning of the darkest era in the history of North Korea. On July 8, Hyang go like any other day at school. His teacher has red eyes and spends several minutes in silence. Finally Speak: Kim Il Sung died. Immediately after, bursting mourn. The same scene is repeated in many parts of the country. The streets are flooded with workers, students, retirees, men and women, everyone wants to give the last farewell to the legendary guerrilla. Trains and buses packed with people coming from all over the country. No trace of North Korean usual optimism.

This is the first of a long chain of calamities affecting the country. Hyang is then 13 years. In the next three years, floods ravage the countryside, while the U.S. tightens the economic blockade.

This time, the crisis is palpable at all levels. Most days, the school operates without electricity. Students must attend class with her coat on, because there is no heating. Outside, the temperature drops to 10 degrees below zero. Inside the country, temperatures are even lower.

A classmate of Hyang, Lee, is sponsored by the State. His parents, given the deterioration of living conditions, have migrated to China. Lee, a few years later, eventually explaining that her parents had "low ideological consciousness" to tackle the situation. His parents were not the only ones suffer "low ideological consciousness" during this period. The crisis is brutal, and the Party calls on all people who work as unsung heroes: the heroic just to survive day to day, showing a high spirit of socialist competition, will bring Korea to the crisis.

The first is an example of revolutionary leadership. The ministeriores work without electricity and have to come down daily to collect water from public sources. Kim Jong Il, the country's new leader, also decided to set an example and advertise that media has been reduced to two daily meals.

At home, Hyang also only two meals a day. The situation is so complicated that in February, the day of her birthday, her mother prepared a huge serving of food. When you give it, both are cast to mourn.

But not all is sad in the country. In 1995, Hyang entered into a solemn ceremony at the League of Socialist Working Youth. Through it, Hyang is an intensely political life over the years. The meetings are frequent and the activity too. Cell Hyang class decided to work on repairing the school after classes. Thousands of young people across the country to take similar initiatives.

Before the crisis, every effort is low and the Youth League makes every effort Poster Socialist Youth League to contribute to the "Kim Il Sung nation's recovery. Such contributions, besides being useful, create political awareness among those involved in them.

In 1996, 50 anniversary of the founding of the League, it changed its name to honor its founder Kim Il Sung. The League will now be called Socialist Youth League "Kim Il Sung." Two years then Hyang exceeds the entrance exam to university. That year, the economic situation begins to improve in Korea.

6 - Kim Chaek University

With a dedicated father and a mother railway engineer specializing in the electrical industry, Hyang seemed destined to end up studying at a university of technology. In Korea, the engineering schools are grouped into universities of technology.

Among them, the most notable being the Kim Chaek University in Pyongyang. Kim Chaek was one of the great revolutionaries Koreans. He led a guerrilla column in the struggle for independence against Japan and was the first Minister of Defence of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Kim Chaek

died in a bombing in the war against the United States in 1951. In his honor, the first university of technology in the country bearing his name and a city on the east coast. Hyang access the power of the electrical industry. In Korea, women equal access with men to leadership positions in industry and, in fact, the energy ministry is currently headed by a woman. However, before entering college, Hyang is vital to make a choice: join or not the Popular Army.

In Korea, military service is compulsory for men and voluntary for women. Why not stop women from joining the military body. The period of service is very broad: 5 years. The army serves many more functions in Korea than in a capitalist country. In Korea, soldiers not only handle weapons, but perform construction work and serve the population. Have a duty to safeguard the gains of socialism in the country and is a very ideological body.

The Popular Army is not understood in the classic sense of hierarchy and despotism that has
West (1). Hyang, as a woman, you can choose not to enter the People's Army
. And like all Korean, in case you want to do, has the ability to access the military institution before or after college. Hyang want to join right then and until 2003 will remain in the institution.

In Korean universities, it is very clear the difference between those who make their college experience after spending the People's Army and those from high school.

is not only a question of maturity, giving the years, but the spirit of conscious discipline, camaraderie and dedication with which the majority of soldiers leave after their experience.

In 1998, in which Hyang enters the People's Army is not only the first year in which Korea begins to recover economically. It is also the 50 anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People's Republic and the year in which Korea surprised the world by sending a satellite into space. National pride is palpable in the streets and a spirit of improvement begins to emerge. Hyang

When he graduated in late 2002, the country still in recovery. In the months before finally entering the university, Hyang volunteers at a youth brigade of the Youth League clash. These brigades contribute to construction giant through volunteer work. Highways, waterworks, tunnels, ... have been renamed with the name of "juvenile" or "heroic youth", to highlight the fact that were built with the sweat of the Korean youth volunteer.

In 2003, Hyang finally admitted to college. Kim Chaek University has modern facilities, numerous laboratories, practice rooms and a library with 100,000 books. In 2006 the new library is completed, called e-library, because it maximizes the possibility of the web. Classes can follow through any computer in the country, both live and on tape delay. Teachers answer questions after class.

In total, 21 million copies are freely available to students and anyone the country. Many of the books are imported and there are many teams of translators to move the text into Korean. Hyang only knows the new e-library in its final year.

However, learning in previous years has been very successful: more than half of the classes have been practical, encouraging experimentation own Hyang, teachers remain a certain number of hours in college, so that students can do all sorts of inquiries, etc. In addition, the university has a sports center, including basketball courts, volleyball, soccer and swimming pool.

The final year, combined with Hyang real practical work on a new power plant, among the many that were built during this period in North Korea.

Upon graduating from college in 2007, Hyang becomes a
2'100'000 among people with higher education in the country. In 1945, when the country's liberation, only had 9 people with higher education. If then there was no university in the country, now there are about 300 universities and over 500 specialized universities.

This is undoubtedly proof of the enormous effort that exists in Korea by providing people with sufficient technical knowledge and ideological consciousness necessary to transform nature and society, the central aim of communism in the way they understand. Thanks to that, Hyang, and many people like her, have and have had the opportunity to study within one of the most advanced educational systems in the world. Thus, human capital is one of the main resources that Korean socialism has, more powerful than any nuclear weapon.

Juan Nogueira López

1 "The power of a revolutionary army is in its political and ideological superiority. [...] Our party leads the revolution and construction by address collective committees at all levels. [..] In the People's Army should also make their respective Party committees to discuss and decide everything collectively. [...] As for the military ranks, there are differences between high and low, but life can not be partisan if any, everyone should take part in it with equal rights and duties. [...] If a person does not receive the necessary education and control, inevitably degenerate. [...] [Why] should promote democracy highly [and critique] (Kim Jong Il, "To raise the role of party organizations and other political organs of the People's Army)

The fifth part is the last article "Education in DPR Korea", by Juan Nogueira.

Friday, March 25, 2011

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Part Four of "The Education in her Democratic People's Republic of Korea" (João Nogueira)

Education in DPRK
- Part Four -

Juan Nogueira López
( Download PDF )

In this fourth and penultimate article Education, I will close the section on the historical analysis of social education in Korea. The period covered is from the 80's until today.

Once the historical article discusses the principles that guide the general guidelines of Education in North Korea. That is, those values \u200b\u200binherent in the process of building a socialist education and are in full force today.

begin, therefore, with the last stage of the history of education in Korea.

2.7 - intellectualization of society (1980 - present)

begin by placing the context of the years analyzed, as I did in previous articles. Reading the above articles, you can remember that the North Korean economic growth had been impressive from the 50's. During the 70's, economic growth increased each year, on average, 15'9% 1.

This annual growth is among the highest in the world.

industrial production figure of 3.9 multiplied times during the decade and the production of consumer goods 3.7 times. In 1974, grain production rose to 7 million tons in 1977 to 8.5 million to 9 million in 1979.

In 1974, Korea became the first country in the world to abolish all taxes.

Two data give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe increase in living standards during this decade. The first fact is that during this decade, the average level of wages increased by 31.5%. At the same time, 21'800 different types of items dropped in price, which indicates a general decline in the price of consumer goods between 30 and 50%. All this meant a considerable increase in the purchasing power of the North Koreans. At the same time, it developed large vivienda2 building campaigns, improvement of living standards (as the campaign to deliver a color TV to every family in the country) and generally in all areas.

The 80 followed the same trend. Until 1984, the pace of economic growth was an annual increase of 12'2%. They began to work 17'785 new factories and modern workshops. In 1984, cereal production was 10 million tonnes, historical figure for a country with less than 18% of arable land. Was entered through massive investments in agriculture, which multiplied 1.4 times the area irrigated in 1980, 1.3 the number of farm trucks, 1.5 the number of tractors, 2 times the number of harvesters, 1.5 times the number of rice transplanting machines and 6'3 times the number of harvesters. The number of chemicals has doubled during this same period.

In 1985 the export volume amounted to 11'680 million, a figure 74 times higher the levels of 1946. The standard of living in constant 1970 prices was $ 1000 real per capita amounted in 1979 to $ 1920 and in 1986 to $ 2,400. During that same decade, other Asian countries like China and India had average actual 1135 and $ 498 per head. The fact is significant because 40 years ago, when Korea began its revolution, China and India have similar metrics to those of Korea.

Socially, the situation in North Korea was also very good. Life expectancy rose in 1984 to 74 years, leaving behind other Asian countries such as India (58) or China (69) and being the best figure all the socialist bloc, after Cuba (75). Before liberation, life expectancy was only 38'4 years, so the achievement is spectacular. During the first 4 years of the 80's, were built 290 health care centers, hospital and preventive medicine and the number of doctors was multiplied by 1.4 and hospital beds rose by 106% (up to 135 '9 per 10'000 inhabitants). Thus, the number of physicians per 10'000 inhabitants was 27 in 1986. In Britain, one of the more developed western European, the number of physicians per 10'000 inhabitants on the same date was lower than in North Korea: 18.2.

also in the U.S. (25'7) and other countries "First World" (Germany, Sweden, Denmark ,...). If the advanced countries did not reach the levels Koreans, Asian countries are not even close to them, including Japan (15) and South Korea (6). Even within the socialist bloc, the North Korean levels leading indicators of Asia, beating China (13.6) or Vietnam (3'2). The only countries that outperform socialist Korea are some more developed countries, such as the RDA (31'9), Czechoslovakia (36.5) or the Soviet Union (43'3).

If even 1990, all fulfilling economic plans went smoothly, the six-year plan (1987 - 1993) was the first not to give the expected results. It was not by internal weakness, but because of the decline of most trading partners of North Korea (the socialist bloc countries) and the intensification of the international blockade, with situations that came up to the total military blockade in 1994. If there

dropped the socialist bloc, the six-year plan would have placed North Korea as a First World country fully. The economic objectives were to produce 100.000 billion kWh of electricity, 120 million tons of coal, 10 million tons of steel, more than 1.7 million tons of nonferrous metals, 22 million tons of cement, 15 million tons of cereals, 11 million tons of marine products, 7'2 million tons of chemical fertilizers, 1.5 million miles of fiber and strip 300'000 hectares of farmland to the sea.

The level of compliance with these objectives in 1990 were completely normal.
in living standards, the plan had resulted in the construction of between 200'000 150'000 and homes each year and would have ensured food production potential per person daily consumption of 175 grams of meat, 400 grams of fish, an egg, 30 grams of cooking oil, 300 grams 100 grams of fruit and pastries, plus, of course, a high consumption of cereals (the main element of the North Korean diet.) Each year, in addition, be granted 76 meters of clothing per person.

All this was reflected in the plan that unfortunately was thwarted in the early 90's. Between 1994 and 1998 there is a general fall in production levels due to the sum of internal factors (natural disasters, self-reliance, lack of oil
) and external (economic, political situation of maximum tension in 1994, falling socialist bloc).

in 1994 also killed the historic leader of the Revolution: Kim Il Sung. However, unlike other countries like China, North Korean socialism proved its vitality to overcome the death of one of its leaders without betraying socialist ideals. The timing was quite tricky because the international situation of total anti-communism and the internal situation of economic crisis.

Since 1998, the country starts growing again. Slowly, all sectors of the economy has been recovering and in 2008 began an ambitious economic plan in 2012 that aims to put North Korea on the threshold of "developing and thriving socialist nation."

This concludes the economic context and political. We will now see the development of education during this period.

2.7.1 - Some precedents of the intellectualization of society in the 70's.

"intellectualizing the whole society means to train each person in the country, once you acquire your working-class consciousness, as a man or woman fully developed communist, who has the technical and cultural level of a college graduate." (Kim Il Sung)

In this quote we find some of the keys to understanding what it means in North Korea intellectualizing the whole society. The ultimate goal is that everyone in the country has a level minimum of a college graduate, intellectual base by the North Koreans have to buy each member of society to build a communist society.

This objective has to do with the formation of adults through flexible and versatile plans to suit the conditions of each member of society.

Later we will see some of them, but before that we have to analyze how came this goal.

The aim of intellectualizing the whole society is marked at the Sixth Congress of the WPK, in 1980. But during the 70 already advanced in this line. For example, in the Fifth Congress of the PTC was set up the movement of three revolutions: technical, cultural and ideological.

The move, effective today, aims to advance from different fields to communism. It is a movement primarily on the masses and uplifts the spirit of independence and ideological consciousness.

How do I apply? For example, with regard to the technical revolution, the basic objective is that company workers acquired a sense of being true owners of the means of production and lose all sorts of "fear" of technology and management.

Specifically, each company in the country has production targets set by management based of their productive capacities. But the workers' assemblies may modify these goals if they are unrealistic or consciously choose to overcome this barrier productive. In the latter case, the workers would be participating in the movement of the technological revolution.

What do workers then is to devise a production plan to achieve the figure proposed: through voluntary work, through innovation (technological research, basically), through improvements in organization system production ... etc. In any case, the simple fact marked this goal, a plan and make sacrifices and practical work to comply, ideological consciousness rises. But in addition, it delivers all the years the flag of the technological revolution to the workers of the companies that best meet the objective of the movement. The main issue is that only awarded to those companies in which workers voluntarily decided to set itself the goal. That is, would not be true that "inertia" or chance, a company got a high productive and this was considered part of the technical revolution. To really meet this development, workers must set itself the goal of consciously.

In 2008, when I participated in a delegation to the country, could attend the Three Revolutions Exhibition, showing the achievements of this movement. In this way, workers at many companies in the country participate in this movement, which represents an improvement productive while ideological. The workers of the companies that have achieved a flag of three revolutions, always placed at the entrance: it is an honor for them, as a collective.

addition, it is worth noting two other measures taken during the 70 and serve as precedents to the task of intellectualizing the whole society. On the one hand, two awards were created to decorate the faculty: Professor and Professor of Merit Village.

distinctions are awarded each year among those teachers who are chosen as exemplary performers in their own assembly. Similarly, the highest honor the state labor supply, the title of Hero of Labor, began to be awarded to teachers. From then until 2007, about 550 teachers have received any of these titles.

Finally, took place in September 1978, the largest historical congress in the history of education. More than 15'000 teachers of all levels attended this meeting held at the Pyongyang Indoor State. For each primary and secondary schools in the country were invited to three teachers for each school, five. In addition, there were teachers institutes for adults and pre-school, party officials in the education sector, members of the Socialist Worker Youth League, foreign delegates, ...

At this meeting, chaired by Kim Il Sung, were explained numerous ways to improve the level of socialist education. One of the key issues was the call for teacher education, focusing particularly on improving the levels of scientific knowledge and foreign languages. In addition, they discussed some errors in the implementation of the recent educational system is 11 years. Also adopted by acclamation a slogan: "The Party, the people and the army, all must study! ". Here begins the year of study for adults that will extend from the 80's.

But Congress would have only a subjective effect on those who could attend or follow it on television. Congress had several practical implications. For example, during the following years, production of educational media grew by 171%. The teachers began to consider them a priority in the granting of housing and improved access to numerous benefits.

2.7.2 - The Sixth Congress of the WPK

The Sixth Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (1980) is which calls for the intellectualization of society. The key point, in my opinion, it is understood that to achieve this goal must be to diversify the media. To begin, we distinguish between adult education and normal education system.

Adult Education to the Sixth Congress, the aim had been to raise the educational level of all workers in the country to the level of a graduate school.

This objective is met in the mid 70's, at the same time it reaches one million people with a university graduate level.

The Sixth Congress marked the goal of raising the cultural and technical level of all adults the country to the level of a college graduate. Obviously, this is a target in the medium and long term, but are implemented numerous initiatives to achieve this. The main objective is to eliminate manual workers all sorts of differences in training regarding intellectual workers. Thus, every worker can be a producer and director at the same time, something that is getting closer to the ideal of communism.

One of the first steps in this direction was to multiply the number of institutions of higher education in the factories. As explained in other articles, this system allows training without detracting from the production. At the same time, the training is entirely practical sense: it is explained and applied knowledge in the same class time.

If in 1970 the number of faculties in factories was 35, in 1980 this number rose to 85. Only in 1984, created six new such institutions in the metal industry, electrical machinery, automotive and mining.

Take an example. In 1981, 126 miners in the mine Kumsan (one of the mining complex mines Ryongyang) received higher education in the mode of study without detracting from the production. Using this model of education received the title of assistant engineer.

All graduates received permission to deviate from the production for a year and complete their studies in specific courses prepared by the Faculty of Technology, University of Ryongyang.

In April 1981, the Supreme People's Assembly decided to generalize this learning model across the country, making a special effort in the training of cadres in rural areas, which are generally lagging behind compared to cities.

Especially, it was decided to establish a winter study system for farmers, because in Korea the winter is cold and can not grow anything.

also reformed the system of correspondence courses, mixing with that of classes in the evening. So far, correspondence courses operated by sending all necessary documents to students and letting them go two hours several times a week to schools, to explain certain matters.

The new system, developed from experiences Sariwon Agricultural University, he turned to the method. In the case of the agricultural university, every day, the instructors are certain cooperatives and give lessons on their own farms. In this way, farmers have enrolled in their own cooperative classes in a different subject each day, supplementing the notes received by mail. Basically, face classes are used to make the practice as explained in the theory and notes.

Since 1982, moreover, began broadcasting television University, a project that continues today.

But the most ambitious initiative was the construction of
Grand People's Study Hall. The building of this palace is preceded by the call for the Party, army and people to study.

the early 80's when it implements the "revolutionary habit of study" in the words of Kim Il Sung. All Party members and Army and voluntarily, the majority of workers in the country, are out a systematic plan of study. In this sense, there are favorable conditions for the study. For example, Saturdays are defined as study day and the workers who so wish may attend lectures, group study, language training, technical ... This, plus the studio system without detracting from the production, the ability to form away from work without losing jobs and wages and correspondence education system, create a diversified pattern of study for adults.

And here comes in the new Grand People's Study Hall, built in 1981 in the heart of Pyongyang. Located in the Plaza Kim Il Sung. For 20 years after the end of the war, this place remained intact, avoiding placing government buildings, as they intended to use "civil" to downtown. Once completed, the building has 100,000 square feet of space and houses 600 rooms and 30 million books. It has conference rooms, modern language schools, study rooms, audiovisual rooms, listening rooms, ... It organizes classes, lectures, discussions, short training courses, seminars, scientific conferences, ... All activities are advertised on television, radio, and today the web. Therefore, many workers in various parts of the country come to him for training.

The center sent to speakers, research workers and librarians at the production sites to investigate, while providing training materials for workers and translated foreign materials. All I can say in words about this center, probably fall short.

Grand People's Study Centre, in downtown Pyongyang. In Korea it is defined as a center for the intellectualization of society

"The Grand People's Study Hall is not just a library, but the central base for the intellectualization of society and an open university for all people worker. "(Kim Il Sung). One

the human details are in this center is that each of the tables, study rooms has an adjustable height. This allows attending children and adults alike, women and men, in short, people of all heights.

From the moment of its opening, the Great Hall has been in full operation. He attended more than 10,000 people each day. Since 1981 until today, millions of people have been trained in this center.

"Education must be responsive to changing realities and dynamics of our country. All aspects of education, including its content and methods should be improved and refined according to the developing reality. "(Kim Il Sung, 1980)

The school and university education also saw changes after the Sixth Congress of the WPK. Congress expressed the idea that education should "adapt to the continuous development and deepening of the revolution." This idea was reflected in the Seventh Congress of the League of Socialist Youth Worker (October 1981).

Basically, since the 80's and even today, education has been improving some aspects, but without experiencing major changes.

For example, since 1978 began to increase much audiovisual materials. Especially, it reinforced the teaching of science and foreign languages \u200b\u200bfrom audio-visual materials.

All schools in the country began to enter classrooms prepared specifically for language learning. Special emphasis was placed that would serve audiovisual materials for teachers to break the monotony of classes. Also during this time reduced the number of hours of lecture and increased even more practical classes, which then are the vast majority within hours. In June 1983, also decided to build an indoor pool in every school in the country to expand the scope of physical education. That year, 400 new pools were built and rebuilt or improved 890.

completely renovated the examination system so that no students are asked to learn "by heart", but a dialectical learning concepts and practical application.

Finally, it is also in the 80's when formulated for the first time gifted education and more flexible education for gifted children. In 1982, a girl of 13 was a pioneer in this regard. At 13 years, was especially talented in fine arts. Pyongyang University of Fine Arts prepared a special course for her, combining education General and specific education to fully develop their talents. This practice is widespread. Abieron also special schools for gifted children.

2.7.3 - The Last 20 Years: Education and information technologies.

The 90 are the years that North Korea live the first economic crisis in its history.

The reasons are mainly external, but the consequences affect all sectors of the country.

One of the key objectives to 1998 was to maintain the gains of the Revolution.

As no progress could be made, at least not backwards. In this sense, Korea has continued to provide free and compulsory education from 11 years to all youth. 100% of expenses related to non-compulsory education have also continued to be covered by the state. It keeps all the educational infrastructure, the methodology and content, extracurricular activities and education for gifted children. In general, not even one step back for a few years that would have been easy to reduce the education budget.

When in 1998 the country began to recover gradually from the crisis, Korea is setting new challenges and begin to see further steps towards the goal of intellectualizing the whole society. One of the most notable is related to the introduction of computers in teaching.

Today, almost no one school in the country that has no computers, whether in cities or in the field. Kim Chaek University of Technology
was a pioneer in creating a EBiblioteca, ie, a fully equipped library with computers. He followed the Grand People's Study Hall and Kim Il Sung University. In total, 21 million volumes (books, magazines, dissertations ,...) have been digitized so far and are available for free from any computer in the country. You can also access music and movies. In addition, since December 2007, the University has begun formación3 television. Classes are recorded and can be followed live from anywhere in the country. At the end of classes, teachers respond to questions from students via digital media. The classes are stored and can be accessed at any time. You can also ask questions by e-mail. In the first year of operation, more than 120 classes were relayed through the system.

course is more profitable to go to class in person, because the center is equipped with modern presentation systems, 3D images, audio, ... But the ability to access some advanced knowledge, yet not participate in person in the class, is a breakthrough.

There are also numerous learning programs through software, through question and answer programs, speech recognition for language learning and individual training (moving based on personal knowledge, jumping fast that which has already been mastered and many resources to improve beyond where you need a boost).

contrast is very significant that Korea gives use online resources with the trend which is increasingly in the West, more related to data protection, the pursuit of free file sharing and culture and to charge for access to materials and articles científicos. Bajo el socialismo, no se le ponen barreras al conocimiento, sino que este se pone al servicio del pueblo.

Mientras tanto, el capitalismo tiende a la mercantilización y, en consecuencia, a la restricción.

Desde luego, Corea no ha agotado las posibilidades que la red da a la formación. La exploración de este campo sólo está en sus primeros pasos y existen numerosos limitantes, como el bloqueo económico al que se ve sometido el país.

Hasta el momento, el país ha conseguido formar 2'100'000 personas con un nivel de graduado universitario. La rueda no deja de girar y se sigue avanzando. Estoy seguro de que en el futuro veremos nuevos y mayores éxitos en el field of training.

3 - Principles of Teaching in Korea

So far, all the above points, analyzing the history of education in Korea. At this point we analyze the principles on which it rests, principles that are inherent in the entire history of education in Korea and have made it progressively.

3.1 - Juche and Education

twentieth century Marxism has been interpreted in very different ways of building socialism.

All theories agree on one thing: the communist society is an egalitarian society. But from there, each party emphasized on a different aspect. Some theories

greatest impact on the material as a key element for the construction of socialism. This applies, for example, the Soviet Union. For the Soviets, only be distributed once existed equally widespread abundance. That is, the essential point is to fully develop the productive forces to accelerate the arrival of an affluent society generally, from which it could begin to gradually reduce social differences.

However, to fully develop the productive forces, the Soviet version of socialism, was to encourage workers through mainly material incentives (bonuses to production) and the establishment of different pay scales based on worker training. That is, the pictures (engineers, company directors, managers ,...) have a higher pay scale to that of skilled workers.

Thus, fostering the development and productivity, but by appealing to the material interests of workers.

The Soviets put the accent on the distribución4 (wage differentiation, produces and who else is better trained, more charged), despite the danger of creating significant social differences.

Other theories consider that the fundamental aspect of socialism is not only a greater abundance relations of production of new type. Therefore, in the daily work should occur not only material goods, but must also reproduce socialist production relations. In this stressed, above all, the Che Guevara Maoist theories.

Both in China and those companies that followed the Cuban model of Che, were put into practice experiences in which the forms of cooperation at work, the premium system for the production and cadre policy, no differences deepened social, but that fell.

For example, in China Maoist, engineers and managers must work fewer hours per month in manual labor with the rest of workers. In this way, they avoided playing the psychological separation between leaders and led.

In Cuba, wages were fixed and every incentive to greater productivity were political and moral appeals or material incentives only if it was delivered to the entire group and if the work had been done cooperatively. Individual bonuses were not delivered.

In this version of socialism, it seeks to develop the most socialist production relations and the impact they have on consciousness. However, the development of productive forces in all countries that adopted this model is lower than in those where it was introduced a model of type "Soviet."

Korea stood on the sidelines of this debate. Considers the Juche idea to build socialism must transform nature (productive forces) and society (relations of production) but also to man. Of these three aspects, the key is the last, since he is the man who turns the other two functions: to transform the nature and transforming society.

socialist education, therefore, its main function is to transform man. Education not only in Korea always preempts this work in all areas of life. Here's an example. In Korea, every day of the week a group of neighbors is assigned a series of community work (gardening, street cleaning, cleaning of road signs ,...). As every week, every North Korean is community work, this creates a strong impact on their ideological consciousness. It's much easier for a person who cleans the streets every week to acquire a civic conscience not to get, if they had just taught in school. Everything in North Korea is thought to transform the ideological consciousness of being and as positive economic differentiation between those who produce more and the least.

This is justified in that socialism is a society in which they hold "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work" human.

This is because if the fundamental element of the construction of socialism is the human being, we have to develop to the fullest. Especially, we must take into account that people do not innately have no ideology and the ideological formation is a gradual and steady process. Therefore, at no time can be ignored.

Concerning Education, in short, it is necessary to understand that Korea is not simply a process of acquiring knowledge or self-improvement, but essentially the ideological transformation, technical and cultural man.

are three key attributes to be developed: the sense of independence, consciousness and creativity. You need to understand that in Korea is always understood the human being as a social being, which can only be viable and successful acting in society. Therefore, by no means independence individualism, but that human beings do not live as a society blindly subservient to nature or social anarchy, but creatively (second attributes) plans and rebuild the social and natural world to put according to their interests.

This can only be done through the third attribute, the consciousness that with regard to the world and society is scientific knowledge of them and in terms of ideological consciousness refers to the knowledge of its position as the rebuilder of the world.

This is the way to the North Koreans to understand the construction of socialism. The Education

this has two applications. On the one hand, in method, students should be able to develop a critical sense and independent. This is further elaborated at a specific point referred to the method.

In terms of content, from a viewpoint Juche revolutionary must become perfectly familiar to home and the requerimento of the Revolution. Only then Koreans are able to know how to transform nature and society of their own country. This does not exclude, of course, teach skills relating to other countries or from them. But it does require that this knowledge is critically analyzed, raising the question: "How is it applicable to the transformation of nature and society in Korea, depending on the requirements of our Revolution?

So, Koreans learn, essentially, that which is useful for building socialism and communism in Korea. The emphasis in the past and present of Korea in nature, geography, economy and culture, politics, Labour Party and its revolutionary traditions.

3.2 - Waiver

For North Koreans, access to education is genuine only when it is free.

In most capitalist societies, there is compulsory education. However, many people can not access it from certain courses, either for the cost of school supplies, laboratory, transportation, ... or because their families need all members, including youth, to work to survive.

Even where there are certain sections Education that are free, as is the case of the English state, there is equal access to education. The children of wealthy families can afford private education, elitist and does not tolerate certain evils that are normally associated with public education, overcrowded classrooms, shortage of resources and students who are failing school because of the situations seen in their homes.

None of these situations occur in Korea, where the entire public education is free. 100% of the country's children between five and sixteen are in school. Thus, the state is entirely responsible for the young to working age. The remaining sections are also free education, including preschool, school, colleges, adult education, ...

Adults can ask for time off work to study, during which retain their salary and, in the case of agricultural workers, 70% of the value of their media work items during the past year.

There are no fees of any kind and are also free practices, study tours, travel north to places where he fought the guerrillas, excursions, school transport, school supplies, extracurricular activities ... etc. The State provided free school uniforms to two years, one for each station type (warm or cold). No differences between city and country in terms of conditions of education, except with regard to the type of practices that have (an urban student learns to operate machinery, cars, ... and a rural student to drive a tractor). Nor is there any difference between sexes, all coeducational.

social education is also free. Students have covered access to libraries, children's palaces, socio-political activities ... Finally, it encourages the study with a stipend to the best students. While in Europe commodified education in Korea pay you to study.

3.3 - Content, Pedagogy and Methodology

"The fundamental principle on which rests the whole socialist pedagogy is that at the end of the educational process, students should be persons revolutionary communist and working class.

To this end, education should teach the revolutionary ideas of communism and on this basis, the world's scientific knowledge and society. Finally, education should help students to develop their physical condition. "(Kim Il Sung)

The content of socialist education is, therefore, revolutionary scientific and realistic.

It consists of three parts.
  • ideological Education: The fundamental goal of education in Korea, as we have seen, is an integral transform human beings. Ideological education has a moral: men and women create new, equipped with a communist morality. But it is also ideological education in Korea, the formation of a revolutionary worldview for understanding the deep essence of social phenomena. In Korea, the ideological aspect is fundamental: "no use to society a person with physical strength or technical knowledge, if not ideologically conscious is a degenerate and morally. " Play an important role the Union of Children and Young Socialist League "Kim Il Sung", especially in shaping the young communist morality.
  • scientific and technical education: The objective is to provide knowledge and expertise to suit the evolving needs of science and technology in the country. This learning occurs mainly on the practice. Theoretical learning is complete only when combined with the real capacity to implement it.
  • physical and aesthetic education: The objective is, in the case of physical education, ensure that students can succeed in their adult working life and the tasks of national defense.
  • physical culture to popularize it through the daily sport, in which all students participate. All schools in the country have an indoor pool and most of them, too, with several football pitches, basketball, volleyball, ... The most popular sports are baseball, but also swimming and various forms of skating. They are famous, too, mass sports events such as the Arirang, made tens of thousands of students. In this way, it strengthens the sense of collectivism and organization.
eduacion As for aesthetics, competitions are held annually painting and literature in every school and administrative levels (city, provincial, national ,...). It is also part of the curriculum that each student specializes, at least in one instrument. Aesthetic education is, above all, to encourage students to be sensitive to the beauty and feelings.

In terms of methodology, knowledge is based on heuristic teaching. It seeks to foster independence and creativity of students in solving problems. The teacher is more of a guide that leads to knowledge, but does not dictate or give lectures. No coercion is allowed, the teacher always must be able to advance themselves to the students in their knowledge. It is important to use a variety of materials, especially audiovisual and computer.

force is highly valued in the example, since young people are very sensitive to new things and have a strong sense of justice. There are no tests which have to demonstrate knowledge learned by rote, but management is looking for a dialectic of concepts. Finally, the punishment is not allowed to hit or students. It insists that the errors are fixed by a tireless persuasion and making offenders see themselves in what has been wrong. This is very important organizational life and practice of criticism and self are common in Korea.

On the other hand, it is important to understand that in Korea, hands-on learning makes up most of the educational program. Ministries of industry and assign part of their budgets to create next-generation machines that go directly to stop schools. In this way, students learn firsthand about the practice and according to the latest technology available in the country.

Take an example. During an academic year, a 14-year-old has on average about 60 physics experiments. All these experiments were done in pairs, so that all students can them personally. In higher education, experiments are done individually. The Universities of Technology, between 35 and 40 weeks are devoted to learning actual practices. In medical schools, fishing or agriculture, even during practices. This does not mean that students are engaged in work. When they go to hospitals, production, farm cooperatives ... students are facing real situations, but there are teachers who explain and guide learning. It is a mix of theory and practice

Finally, Korea is very important social education and life activist, through political and social activities developed mainly by the Socialist Youth League "Kim Il Sung."

3.4 - The teacher

As we have seen, the fundamental goal of education in Korea is a revolutionary way to transform human beings. Therefore, the role and the teacher's responsibility goes far beyond a mere diffuser of knowledge or illustrator. In Korea, teachers are called revolutionary career, with a mission to transform students into revolutionaries.

Profile teacher-revolutionary is not readily available. Teachers have a strong organizational and political life. Every teacher is framed in cells Party or mass organizations such as the Teachers' Union, Union of Artists, Writers Union ... depending on the specialty.

At the same time, teachers must be competent and know how to transmit knowledge.

As in Korea have banished the lecture and have opted for a heuristic, there is the saying that a teacher can teach one thing, you need to know before a hundred. The aspect that determines the quality of education is the responsibility of the teacher.

So organize many and varied courses to improve teachers' scientific and technical knowledge and their level of ideology and methodology of teaching. Are continuously

model lessons, open classes, scientific and educational forums, meetings to exchange experiences, seminars, ...

There are also many political publications, scientific and academic for teachers. Including "The Journal of Teacher", "Kindergarten", "Teacher of the People", "Notebook for Teachers ",... Propaganda including magazines, newspapers, reference books and collections of scientific papers.

other hand, teachers have many visits to places where there revolutionary battles, and study visits in factories, enterprises, cooperatives and educational and cultural establishments. Thus, their training is ongoing.

In any case, the basic training of every teacher's college. Kim Il Sung University was the first to open a School of Education, but today there are several state universities and at least a regional one in each province. Ending

already in Korea can be summarized that there is great respect for the professor. This has a different role to that of other countries, since education has a higher mission: to transform the human being. The training is very important teachers and revolutionaries can only get to practice. Therefore, it is not uncommon that many teachers have become elected members of the Supreme People's Assembly. Thus, teaching is one of the foundations on which the quality of education in Korea.

Juan Nogueira López

1 Economic Development in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Dr. Hong Sung Un). The data collected in this first part, come from this book. These data are consistent with several Western publications, from very different backgrounds (some with clear anti-communist bias.) It is, therefore, a reliable source, especially because many Western publications are based on field visits of European experts and American Democratic People's Republic of Korea. I put some examples HookOn Phillip Park: "Self-Reliance or Self-Destruction?" (? Self-reliance or self-destruction?), White (1982), Harrison Salisbury (1972), Eberstadt (1993 ),...

2 For example, in the years of the First Seven-Year Plan (1971 - 1976), 414,000 households in the city and farm families received 472,000 new homes, completely free.


4 Indeed, the Manual of Political Economy of the USSR spoke of "vigorous fight against petty egalitarianism "

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Why A Bank Takes A Car

Part Three of "The Education in her Democratic People's Republic of Korea" (João Nogueira)

Education in DPRK
- Part Three -

Juan Nogueira López
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In previous articles we have studied the history of education in Korea until 1959, when he meets the goal of free public education at all levels. This achievement is certainly impressive for a small Asian country that just 14 years earlier was the second independent country in the world behind. The public education system free and is the basis on which the level starts rising cultural, technical and educational development of North Korean society.

Since 1960 and until today, Education in Korea must be understood in a linear fashion. It's kind of steps that the North Koreans have been rising, rung by rung. This article discusses each of these steps.

The ultimate goal is to qualify in the cultural, technical, physical and moral society as a whole, creating universally developed individuals. For the Workers' Party of Korea, the essential aspect of the construction of communism is the human being (other Marxist interpretations were the productive forces and relations of production essential). And therefore, only a partnership can create universally developed communism.

2.5 - building socialism Korea (1960 - 1970)

"Today, the most important issue we must resolve to build socialism in our country, is to train technical staff. Since the end of the war, many factories have been built, we have developed a powerful machinery industry and agriculture has cooperativized through a socialist paradigm.

In the northern part of the Republic, we may soon finish building the technical foundations of socialism and then we will introduce modern technology to agriculture, fishing and all branches of industry.

Only then can we build a model of society economically superior to capitalist society. To do this, the biggest problem is the shortage of technical personnel. Unless we manage to resolve this issue, it will be impossible to give a simple step forward. "(Kim Il Sung, 1956).

In 1960, five-year plan ending 1956 to 1960. The plan is a success: it manages to complete the first phase of socialist industrialization, based on our own resources. The level of economic growth has only one equivalent Asia: Japan.

Between 1961 and 1967, launching a seven-year plan, which aims to complete the second phase of socialist industrialization. Through this plan, Korea becomes a State with the technical foundations of socialism: a field collectivized and socialized industry that supplies all the requirements demanded by the country's economic development.

Politically, the North Koreans during this period two different stages of the Revolution, the democratic phase and the socialist phase. 1967 is the turning point. Education is no exception to these two phases.

Initially, the goal was to make a democratic education. The fundamental aspect of Democratic education was, from a Marxist perspective, the material aspect: free and compulsory for 100% of young Koreans. From an ideological point of view, education reactionaries destroyed the old values \u200b\u200bimposed by the colonial system. And, from a technical point of view and content, the Democratic Education had given the younger generation Korean sufficient knowledge to be "popular subjects", ie to participate in the construction of the new Korea.

However, education was to undergo a radical socialist transformation. This was a necessity imposed by the socialist industrialization.

"To address the goal of completing a technical revolution that will turn our country into a developed industrial state, as is planned in the Seven-Year Plan, we must expand the number of technical staff dramatically." (Kim Il Sung, 1960 )

is, to complete industrialization, DPR Korea needs engineers, technicians, experts and all kinds of people trained.

But socialism, from the Korean perspective, is not only a further development of productive forces. Therefore, the reform of education is not only a technical issue. Education has The main objective since 1960, forming community. A person who only have technical knowledge, it is useful for the development of the economy, albeit limited. And this is because economic, political and personal life are very entralazadas in Korea.

In fact, Korea's economic development has much to do with projects developed through massive demonstrations, ie through the voluntary commitment of the population. Therefore, Korean socialism, to develop fully (politically, culturally and technically) need a company with a great ideological commitment.

In short, education Socialist introduce several new aspects to the Korean general education:
  • technical education.
  • ideological education, moral and professional.
  • physical education.
  • aesthetic education.
These objectives have a time limit for completion: 1967. Let's see how this educational model is introduced.

2.5.1 - Full of the WPK Central Committee in August 1960

In 1960, the full Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea took five steps in relation to Education:
  1. Developing a plan for training technical staff, through specialized short courses to meet the demand for paintings in the mechanical, electrical, chemical, light and transport, as well as fishing, agriculture, geological prospecting and ranching.
  2. training centers established in factories, including higher education centers and night schools and correspondence courses.
  3. Strengthening scientific and technical education throughout the educational system.
  4. Creating a system of regular study in all workplaces in the country, so that 100% of workers carry out activities aimed at increase their technical and cultural level. Increase
  5. ideological training opportunities, making it accessible party schools and other means of revolutionary education.
All these measures had immediate application. Between September 1960 and December of that year, 24 schools were created at the factory, 11 communist education schools and 47 higher education institutions from the factory. Thus, the number of people while studying his work amounted to 49,000 in 1960.

These measures, however, have a precedent in the action begin to apply to Five-Year Plan (1956 - 1960). It's time innovations and large Chollima Movement campaigns and calls for the formation constant.

schools were opened in 1957 specialized in factories, whose course lasted a year and ermitían workers to increase their technical and cultural level without detracting from the production.

In March of that year, the technical training centers extend to agriculture.

The Democratic Youth League played a major role in organizing the elevation of cultural and technical level of young workers. Between 1958 and 1960, 158'000 young urban workers and rural 26'500 pass a state test designed to put minimum technical level.

During these years prior to 1960 is also reforming higher education. University degree, which lasts 5 years in Korea, happens to be dumped on the practice. The reform launched by the government formulates a general model of 2 years of theoretical education and practical education three.

Apart from these precedents, we will examine what effect the measures approved in 1960 on adult education and general education system.

2.5.2 - The new adult education

At the beginning of the revolution, the Korean working class had a cultural level very low. This was the result of Japanese colonial rule. Although we developed a general education system increasingly rapid pace and by 1960 many workers still had a low cultural level.

Korean socialism was the need to raise the technical and cultural level through what they called the "cultural revolution." This movement has nothing to do with that developed during this decade in China.

Since then, education in Korea is not only a period of years of primary, secondary and university, but develops steadily in all stages of life a person. Is a right of all workers and, at the same time, a duty.

According to the documents of the Korean Workers Party, "socialism and communism can not be built by the will of a group of people only. Its construction is only successful when a majority sector of the working class is building the new society, knowingly, through his vast knowledge of society and nature. "

Of all the Korean working class, who had a lower educational level were the South Koreans after the Korean War had taken refuge in the north. Due to these low levels of education, short courses were designed with specific knowledge basic, involving about 368'000 people.

For a little more advanced levels, increased the number of primary and secondary schools for working people, who attended in 1962 and 896,000 workers. They made sure all material conditions to make this possible, from night to day care committees at each enterprise to guide the success of these initiatives.

particular, the measures taken in August 1960 had a strong impact in rural areas. Kim Il Sung during his visit to Changsong County, expressed the following idea, which shows how developed the Cultural Revolution in the field:

"I'll give an example of a particular Ri Changsong County. This Ri has 120 houses and 22 people with graduate level education in high school. These 22 people are 11 teachers, the chairman of the People's Ri, some of those elected to the organs of popular power of Ri and some road service workers, trade and conservation.

If the local party organization in this Ri successfully mobilized the people, we can launch an education campaign for adults, while we will use the Publication Center of Ri
If 120 houses are distributed 22 people with education, each one will be by 5 or 6 houses. If so individualized, intensive work is planned over the next three years, the cultural level of all the people of Ri will increase and this will have a strong impact on their ideological consciousness. " (Kim Il Sung)

This model was extended to all towns and villages in North Korea, so that those with education were responsible individually for those with lower levels. As indicated by Kim Il Sung, that not only served to increase the cultural level of society in general, but also to establish bonds of unity around the party.

2.5.3 - The reform of general education

During the Seven-Year Plan period, the most outstanding innovation in education is, without doubt, the Technical Education System 9. However, all this is preceded by a series of measures that were advancing education from its early socialist democracy to education.

In 1959, the Sixth Session of the Supreme People's Assembly approved the Law on Reorganization of the public school system.

It was created the Technical Secondary School, in parallel to the normal Secondary Education
. The new technical schools were gradually appearing, combining production and teaching, theory and practice.

Thus, for a time lived two models of education: the old model of general education and the new and emerging model focused on technical education, which according to Kim Il Sung
, responded "to the needs of real life ".

This new technical system was gaining ground in mainstream education, as it was implemented in more schools. The fundamental idea is to teach students through practice, not theoretically explain the principles of mechanics, for example, but have the actual machine that uses industry to prove themselves and learn the basics of mechanics. This, in the 60's, is a very modern approach.

The new system requires very large investments, larger classrooms, modern equipment, teacher training, ...

The plan is so ambitious that even in 1960 is necessary to interrupt secondary enrollment, due to the need to explain to teachers what is expected of them. There are numerous meetings and seminars and training courses. Moreover, since then, all teachers must graduate from higher education, abolishing technical institutes.

The new technical education also includes physical and aesthetic education, new aspects in a country that just 15 years earlier was largely illiterate.

also creates special education, music schools consisting of 11 primary and secondary), art schools (primary and secondary), sports schools (secondary) and foreign language school in 11 years (primary and secondary).

It also reinforces the ideological formation, through practical engagement and theoretical study.

is from 1960 when the Education intends to be communists.

These are the first steps in the line of building Socialist Education. This objective will be completed with the introduction of technical education of 9 years in the Seven-Year Plan.

2.5.4 - The Technical Education System 9 years

Technical Education System 9 years arises fused in a single system, technical secondary education and general secondary education. It is not just an overlay, but a combination of general and vocational education. It is important that each student leaves the Technical Education dominating more than one specialty. It is not close doors, but to create versatile people.

Technical Education of 9 years is a goal that is agreed at the Fourth Congress of the WPK. The idea is to create thousands of secondary technical schools, each specializing in one or more productive sectors. The application of this principle has its pros and cons. The advantages are obvious, but against this target is that some Technical Schools in virtually become "bastions" of either gender.

This is a phenomenon that is fixed over time, but it is clear that in the 60's, some professions were exclusively women (food processing, textile ,...) and other exclusively male (especially those Related physical force). Neither the Technical Education, during our visit in 2008 should blind us to the fact that Korean women had undergone a process of emancipation giant in 15 years and in most professions, women were more represented than men (due to a serious imbalance population after the war).

Returning to the technical school, these schools were created gradually. In particular, there was the slogan of creating one in each county, farm, industrial district and village and in city neighborhoods, for testing on the content and methods. In total, 1100 secondary technical schools created in period test.

The North Korean government, however, put much emphasis on the need for this embryonic system of education was a real leap.

"Because we call" art "to a school, not born a technical education. It is important to create useful infrastructure for practical training and equipping schools of all types of instruments and machines, to impart a real technical education "
(Kim Il Sung)

Thus, the state investment increased educational infrastructure and related ministries production began to include in their budgets a section devoted to providing education of all kinds of things. This remains to this day as well.

In 1966, 93% of high school students were admitted to secondary technical schools. So in November 1966, the Supreme People's Assembly issued a decree "On the Introduction of Universal Compulsory Education Technical nine years, which made the school year that began April 1, 1967 was the first year 100% of pupils aged between seven and sixteen, he entered the new education system. In addition, all free.

This placed Korea Socialist among the most advanced countries in education, only 10 years after they conclude the post-war reconstruction.

2.5.5 - The end of the decade

The Seven-Year Plan successfully managed to establish the foundations of socialism in Korea.

However, by 1967 there were some imbalances between the different productive sectors, motivated by the huge economic growth and excessive military spending (caused by the introduction of U.S. nuclear weapons in South Korea). Thus, 1968 and 1969 were years in which imbalances were corrected and continued to grow.

In Education these years had two key objectives on which I will not expand: expand to 100% of the families of the network coverage of preschool education in each province and created all majors universities with strategic (Agriculture, Heavy Industry, Light Industry ,...). Medicine

Thus, the number of universities grew from 78 in 1961 to 129 in 1967. The universities of each pronvicia also specialize in the reality of their own province. Thus, each province is the pictures you need, correcting the central tendency of Pyongyang formed the majority of the tables in the country.

education is also reinforced superior technique. If in 1949 there were 55 colleges, in 1967 the figure had risen to 464. Only 4 years later, it had 500.

In 1970, the number of graduates from higher education institutions reached the figure of 497,000.

This makes North Korea there was no trace of that impoverished and illiterate country 25 years ago had no college and only had 9 college graduates.

2.6 - The Theses on Socialist Education (1970 - 1979)

Years 50 and 60 had been of enormous economic growth and the postwar recovery, while the goal was to build the fundamentals of socialism. But in the 70's, the austerity that had previously characterized the North Korean life leads to higher levels of consumption and government spending. North Korean

housing was always large compared to the eastern field or China, but within them always had the basics (furniture, kitchen, shower ,...).

is from the 70 when it made frequent television sets, stereos and appliances.

Until then the goal had been to dress appropriately for the entire population, from 70, the North Koreans begin to wear clothes varied and of good quality. It also improves food and shopping ("department stores") begin to offer a greater variety of consumer goods.

This is possible because in 1967, Korea achieved complete the construction of basic socialist industry and, thereafter, begins to create the developed socialism.

However, the North Koreans never (either before or at the 70, not now) have been a consumer society. This is easily explained. As the DPRK has always been a self-sustaining state in economic growth rates have been maintained thanks to the huge state investment. The three remaining areas within the state budget are military spending, social spending (education, health ,...) and private consumption (which in a socialist society has much to do with government investment in light industry). Private consumption has always been the issue with less investment in this group.

Not only that, they are the very men and women of the DPRK who have chosen a life of struggle and sacrifice for the construction of socialism. And consistently demonstrated in the large mobilizations of volunteers, donations internationalists and generally all aspects of life in society, they have always had an importance far superior to having privacy. This is the product of enormous ideological commitment and thereby reducing consumption for collective development of society and country.

I mention this last point, the collective development is of vital importance to the age of 70. Is seen especially in the development of North Korean cities. Until then the city had built a massive residential areas due to the enormous needs following the war, aged 70, and it is not only increasing in number, but above all, increase in quality. In

71, Pyongyang opens its first metro line, while the city becomes the world with more green areas per inhabitant. The new districts as well as functional are nice and the city is full of monuments. The same happens in other cities including Hamhung, Kaesong, Hyangsan or Wonsan.
In education, this emphasis on public investment is evident in the creation of the School Children's Palaces, huge free center with facilities for sports, arts and entertainment. It is also increasing quality through the implementation of a new and definitive plan of education: the thesis of Socialist Education.

The new plan extends the length of the North Korean education to 11 years in 1975.

I think that to understand the immense progress that this system is, you have to make a comparison.

For example, while North Korea's thesis applied the Socialist Education in a European country like Spain, which by then had a greater economic capacity to Korea, at that moment hardly be provided education to all students studying age and poor education system had a short duration of only 7 years.

North Korea's educational model, after the reform was completed in 1975, it has maintained until today. Meanwhile, in Spain, we accumulate continuing education reforms in line with the overcrowding, the elitism and commercialism. Even with the latest reform implemented in the English government, education mandatory for one year less than in Korea and the network of public pre-school only meets the demands of just over 20% of families. I think it's important to compare, to understand the importance of Korean socialism gives to education and show that it is possible to organize an effective model even in situations of international blockade and obstacles of all kinds.

2.6.1 - Principles contained in the Theses of the Socialist Education

The Socialist Education thesis is finally approved in September 1977.
Paradoxically, they are the cause of all the reforms taking place in the 70's, but the consequence: the formulation written final result of the reforms.

In 1970 marks the Fifth Congress of the PTC, and it was decided to reform to be completed in 1975 with the implementation of compulsory education for 11 years. However, I think it is important to study first principles that inherently are behind this reform and then made explicit in the thesis.

The basic goal of the new model of education is ideological: to create social beings, which in turn have a strong critical thinking, creativity and independence. This is not to oppose the social to the individual, the Western style, but to develop independent creativity of students have numerous visits and every individual, so that trips can bring more to the group. It is not, either, to create a mass society so obedient, but a group that is the sum of all individual skills developed. In this way, they are revolutionary communists with a strong sense of independence and creativity.

Of course, we are talking now of the ideological aspect of education, the non-ideological still maintaining the principles of the reform of technical education in the 60's.

ideological To achieve this objective, formulated four basic principles:

  1. develop in young people a strong sense of unity around their organizations (especially the Party) and a sense of class. That is, party loyalty (as conscious discipline, not imposed) and class consciousness. Resolve
  2. all according to the group's own capabilities and without waiting for people or outside institutions to solve their own problems. Thoroughly study and understand the characteristics. This principle is called "establishing Juche in education." Combine
  3. revolutionary theory with practice. Promotion of voluntary adherence to practical actions to raise the ideological consciousness.
  4. The socialist state is the one who must organize and conduct ideological education.
North Korean students, through the reform of 1975, come to have a strong organic life and loaded with socio-political.

The Socialist Education thesis also affect much of the pedagogical method of teaching, emphasizing the application of a heuristic model. That is, looking not so much teach concepts and skills, but to have students develop search capabilities, innovation, creativity and criticism.

Thus, teachers need to persuade students and ensure that they reach the right solutions.

Similarly, in Korea are not corrected misbehavior through administrative methods of punishment and sanction. Is encouraged, however, it is the group itself, through criticism and self-criticism, to correct. This plays an important role the League of Socialist Youth Worker (former Union of Democratic Youth).

In Korea, also means the gradual process of formation and regulated by laws of science. So are many analysis of what is for each age and how to maximize the abilities of students. From the 70, there are these groups for research and continuous review of textbooks and methodology.

I myself could see this system today. When in 2008 we visited the Kindergarten "Kim Jong Suk" in Pyongyang, we were able to attend some classes taking place at that time. Teachers know even how they have to talk (tone, volume, intonation ...) to capture the attention of young learners. The whole training process is studied and planned. This really surprised us the entire group. The director of the daycare center and taught us complained that we could not spend a whole day there. The reason was that the student's day nursery was full of varied activities, well planned to develop the full potential of students.

Thus, we understand how children aged between two and five years could learn to play musical instruments or had so ably high level of handwriting and reading.

2.6.2 - The system of compulsory education from 11 years

Following the decision taken at the Fifth Congress of the PTC to implement compulsory education of 11 years, was taken as a deadline Six-Year Plan (1971 - 1976) .

The first step was to convene a national debate teachers, which discussed how to extend two years of compulsory education. It was decided make mandatory the section between 5 and 16, with 1 year of preschool and 10 primary and secondary education.

Compulsory education ends, therefore, right at the minimum working age: 16 years.

As a second step, 40 schools in the country started from October 1970 to provide compulsory education to 11 years. In 1971 he made a Central Committee plenum expanded, inviting the participation of teachers in charge of the new mode of teaching. Through these experiences, expanded the number of schools testing the new system to 400, approximately 10% of the nation's schools.

On this basis, the country sets the target in the 1975-1976 academic year, began a course with 100% of students enrolled in compulsory education of 11 years. This school meant more than 5.6 million young people at the same time, ie one third of the total population.

was a leap not only quantitative but also qualitative. In 1971 the education budget grew by 21% over the previous year in 1973 grew by 14% compared to 1972. This resulted in the construction of 30,000 new classrooms around the country to be distributed so that their school had no students more than 2 km from home. Buses and trains were organized student for rural areas.

The number of primary schools increased to 4,700 in 1975 and the secondary to 4,100.
Each class then had a maximum of 25 students, a figure that has been progressively reduced over the years, to improve the quality of teaching.

On September 1, 1975, promulgates the Law on North Korea schooling to 100% of children between 5 and 16 years within the compulsory education system.

2.6.3 - The rest of the educational goals of the decade

The 70's is also the time when adult education is experiencing a new momentum. After numerous campaigns throughout the first half of the decade, in 1975, the number of graduates of higher education reaches one million people.

is, in 5 years there have been more people in the past 25 years. This is a result of all the facilities that are given to the study, keeping the job, and organized group study.

The number of technicians and specialists for agricultural cooperatives increased to 55 in 1976.

Between 1970 and 1976, 26 new universities were founded. Also reinforce the hours of laboratory and practical training. Kim Chaek University of Technology (Engineering) building practices center 7'500 sqm.

network in pre-school, modernize existing nursery, which total nearly 60'000 across the country, divided into neighborhoods, factories, cooperatives, and in general, any site where they can be useful. 3'500'000 preschoolers are enrolled in the public in 1975. During these years, in addition, strengthening the health education of preschool children.

However, North Korea, with a population of less at the end of the decade to 16 million people, schooling for more than nine million people in the public and free. Throughout the country as a poster said time is a great school.

Juan Nogueira

From the wording we want to apologize for the delay of a day in the publication of this part of the article.