Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Biscuits Made With Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix

Cultural Crisis in the end ...

All human beings are subjected to an oscillatory process in our state of mind to a greater or lesser extent. We have a certain amount of cyclothymia. You may have a fairly direct relationship to the exercise of analyzing our actions, which sometimes makes us feel good about the outcome and others less so. We can say that we go from crisis to crisis as a way to develop thinking and action. In any case, the crisis is a sign of evolution and therefore need to change and adjustment, which involves the concept of opportunity.

personal crises, which each presenting and solving will form part of individuality and personality the subject. His adjustment will also microculture according to their family and culture of their social group.

But the culture of peoples was forged throughout history and is a singular value has to have a dynamic content to suit the spirit of each time (Zeitgeist). Compose the forms, attitudes, beliefs, convictions, principles and values, among other elements, resulting in a certain form of behavior and social interaction. As an example determines the myths, heroes, legends, taboos, rites and rituals, etc. that will define how to generate the socialization process by which the subject is integrated in the culture social and what behavior is expected. This includes a system of community management, legislation and relational structure to delineate a model of coexistence. In our case we are in a Judeo-Christian values \u200b\u200bwhich underpin a series of systematic functional privilege and where raw, largely private property and individuality of the community, the brave struggle and confrontation as a way to climb, pecking order, though we believe that is mitigated by not a few other editors.

is not my intention to enter into a detailed analysis of each and every one of the variables that converge to create this society, I think unfairly, that makes us withstand periodic crises are managed from the interests of some groups to go we administer, since time immemorial, with total arbitrariness in profit. Is a power group that has an impressive absorptive capacity, it falls into their networks every element that goes even against him, as we have seen over recent history. Clearly that is based on greed and avarice of the subject. From my point of view, the so-called progress and advancement of the motor system is that greed, which ends up being the death trap in which the vast majority fall when we came to power, or we're playing with the fingertips.

By this I mean that ethics and moral of this culture, has the aberrant items, so you need mental cleansing mechanisms. It is absurd the level of distributive injustice, but has charity as mental detergent. A subject can be a pure thief and scoundrel from a strictly human point of view, but being supported by social norms and laws emanating from this culture, is exonerated and to balance their cognitive dissonance used to repair the system that gives ... "exploits the other, but give alms in charity ...." Not to mention the confession to believers, which is another perfect tool automatic washing consciences. Religion, therefore, it becomes an element of the first magnitude to support the system and the consciousness of those who lead and take advantage.

But back to the specific issue of the crisis. Until now there was much talk of economic crises, which are those caused by circumstances which are solved with minor adjustments in the system tend to be recurrent and are associated with the inconsistency of the market economy, supply and demand.

Then there are other serious, which are structural. They put more in evidence the system and demand changes in the functional structure of it. If the above was temporary, circumstantial and did not require major changes in the system, in this case the persistence of the crisis means to be taken systematic measures and change out of them and prevent their recurrence, affecting therefore the rules and principles. But do not forget that all are given the cultural context of the people.

However, at this point, some thought that this crisis gets out of the previous channels, which is not only cyclical, but structural surpasses the idea, but intend to change or reset the system to continue in the same dynamics. The cowardice of our politicians and our own society is not to know or want to see reality, afraid to break the system, it is clear that we go through it. This kind of forward flight will only postpone the collapse and while longer it takes the bigger the bump. And should assess and consider how to go redirecting the system to minimize the final impact.

Therefore, the crisis now is cultural. We must change the principles and values \u200b\u200bof our culture to redirect popular philosophy to a new era where new ones prevail. We can not continue in this dynamic predatory and aggressive exculpatory where always blame others, read politicians, countries, immigrants, or who knows ... In any case it would, in my humble opinion, to redefine the culture, not only changes in rules and laws, but an educational process, social responsibility, individually and collectively, to make the individual more permeable and rational, which brought about a new social contract. That is complicated, as there are groups of influence and powers that are supporting and investing in the traditional system, which sustains that power who refuse to sacrifice himself.

The question for me, is how to forge a mature society that did not apply the paternalistic leadership, not alienate them with false leave guidelines, which do not trap in the delegation of their sovereignty to subject irresponsible, to take sides and defend and demand that the rulers govern for themselves and not for the wealthy classes, capital, banking and imperialist interests of multinationals. In short, enter this dose freethought that everyone should claim from the responsibility of this new social contract.

now have, as ever, the best youth training, with greater knowledge and intellectual capacity. The company spent good rooms for that and the system responds by leaving them out of work ... They are the "Best pre-unemployed." One problem is that globalization broke boundaries to the market, but not homogenized organizational cultures: indeed, the more divided we walk and the more they enhance localism, more energy will be distracted from the real fight, which leads to the global homogenization not only of values \u200b\u200band principles that define cultures but from the humanistic and social development.

I keep saying, for quite some time, there are two tendencies in the struggle, which seeks a ruling class, which owns the world and its resources and uses, if interested, to the general public, alienation, but if not the needs and the conflicting faces regardless of people's lives, that society unethical, amoral and asymmetric is brewing in the time since hidden power groups, or between racks, are the usual ones, the same dog with different collar , invariably supported also by the usual. Then there is another path for symmetry, social justice and human values \u200b\u200bover material value; those who are increasingly aware of the environment and the impossibility of continuing in this crazy place that will destroy everything in a short time. This latter group is gaining strength, as we see with that is gaining prominence in the media free, as is the network, where they are bringing together ideas and settling on another conception of democracy fairer.

changes need to plant crops and pay them. Only there is a definite change if you have enough social support, if it is assumed, and driven by the community. But this has to establish the so-called Zeitgeist, the spirit of the times, which shows an intellectual and cultural climate able to reorient our culture to other functional and social structure fairer, more symmetrical.

we start ... or let the other win? Will not fall for their bait, recognize the importance of each item, not to enter into discussions dissociative, but converged to seek what unites us and not what divides us. The match of the century is played between the symmetric and asymmetric, between humanism and classism, among symbionts and saprophytes, not between Barca and Real Madrid ... The end result is the supremacy of one culture or another.

for a new man!


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