Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Does Anyone Have Nail Designs

Slow, but come ... (Tribute to Banksy)


recently information is multiplied several manipulations, the capital and politics are blended as one being. Perplexed attended the confirmation shameless wiles of those who hold power in this society. MEPs not want to give up their seats in first, but also that "tab" early on Friday to keep the extra 300 euros diet that day, while immediately catch the flight to their respective houses - working day after a grueling 20 minutes taxi. We confirm its highly suspicious relations with lobbyists, but for salaries, 4. 300 per month for office supplies or 1 7,000 for attendees with which most of them hired woman, children or brothers, should raise them enough colors.

Nikki Sinclaire, British MEP, denounced some
of fraudulent practices from their peers.
Documentaries increasingly risky, as Zeitgeist or the now famous Inside job (it does not bind it, that project still-successful-in cinemas ) leave no room for doubt: the triple A rating agency, that the same is granted by the millionaire hustler Madoff as the fall as a punishment to Iceland after exemplary "No" the polls are an object of buying and selling. The major financial firms and large banks, according to this lesson of the "other" story that is Zeitgeist, were the cause of depression than 2 9, and the previous crisis, which got the legislation to create the American National Bank. Both seemed to follow patterns regroup masterfully engineered to get the economy in a few hands. And there are increasing signs that this crisis is no different. The very rich are getting richer, the means to rapidly falling poverty and the poor, well, those ... who cares? Who cares not us? "No one?

But the more information comes to us, each new power point in our mail, I really think we are approaching an increasingly obviable goal. Even the old ladies in the neighborhood bus descreídamente talk of our politicians and their intentions. Until announced by the Financial Times, if not increasing taxes on the wealthy, nobody is going to prevent social revolution .

parallel with the news that we draw an increasingly decadent society, the atmosphere warms, as Rome shortly before burning. Since there are many who are releasing their liras, and always accuse us of "conspiparanoicos" with his mouth getting smaller. The revolution is here, just around the corner, and a good example of this is that the best selling book this Sant Jordi in Catalonia has been Indignaos! S. Hessel. If a few months ago I say a revolutionary pamphlet would become a bestseller, I could not believe it.

Each new information about their pranks is a step towards the subversion of the system. He is very close to this complaint still weighs us helpless to the majority. Is mobilization coming and this time, will be they who tremble. That's my hope.

(Note: all are of great graffiti Bansky ).

Friday, April 22, 2011

High Quality Christmas Wrapping Paper


On Sunday 10 April, lived in Barcelona for a referendum on the independence of Catalonia. But let's face was not exactly a referendum. I know that referendums are not necessarily binding, but it often happens that political parties are behind, who have also subsequent petition campaign to vote in either direction, a rich and stuffy institutional advertising media campaign on TV radio and leaflets everywhere, his day of reflection, their polling stations, a day after they called for reflection, television and radio debates, interviews with leaders, mass meetings and surveys to explore for vote ... The referendum on day 10 in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich had none of those things, there was therefore a referendum. Not having, received no electoral college itself. The electoral college was a trail to shelter from the sun, because the polls (yes had) were on the street, in small squares, intersections. More than a referendum was something like a collection of signatures on a given topic. People's Initiative or something.

Some might think so were media campaign. I think that, if any, was very poor. And plenty of slots for non-participation. For example, the second largest newspaper in Catalunya (El Periódico) called two days earlier, from the cover more or less, abstention. That "aixi, no "also invited, should vote to do so by the no. The first newspaper (La Vanguardia) went on tiptoe all week on the subject and gave no importance. TV3 said it himself, but without anyone to encourage voter turnout. Ara Avui newspaper, the only campaign that did more or less active, are certainly a minority. Who encouraged, almost alone, were Pujol y Mas, with his vote helped put the referendum on the table. Without them there is no doubt that he had talked a lot less of this sort of pseudo-referendum.
It was expected that only would come to "vote? fairly confident independence. The radical independent, if that makes any sense to speak. It was to be expected. But on Friday before taking leave of a colleague clearly independence, I asked if I would go to vote and said no, that this vote "és com a acudit" (sounds like a joke). If even the unconvinced voters, I thought, this will be a disaster.

The same Sunday of the referendum, and good morning, that disaster was nothing. And the end result is that they think. I correct myself: it should make you think, because I know that many will not even bother. A census 18%, 21% of voters in any If more than 250,000 locals. I would never have dared to suspect a high figure indeed.

Sometimes there are times when no special significance to us are recorded in the mind with unusual clarity. For example, an occasion when a group of friends, make about ten or fifteen years, to speculate how many people would go to Barcelona to vote in a hypothetical referendum on independence. I remember we took the initial figure of one hundred thousand voters as hypothetical round number. "One hundred thousand locals would come to the polls? The answer was massively negative. Thirty thousand seemed a more accurate figure. Thirty thousand independence in Barcelona (because they always believe that the independence movement was more typical of rural Catalunya). We know that the result in this pseudo-referendum of 230,000 has been affirmative. What I do not know is whether the independence movement was much hidden or Barcelona has risen in recent years.

What a referendum seriously, with their polling, his campaign, his day of reflection, its media activity? What would happen in an official referendum, a referendum of those they vote for both the Yes and for those not necessarily not very convinced?

Whatever. In the background is not worth going down that road, the speculation policy. More interesting is probably the analysis. Why do so many people voted for YES? How is it that so many Catalans have independence? Recall that of the 947 Catalan municipalities have held consultations in 554, and the number of affirmative votes amounting to more than 800,000. That is, more than 800,000 Catalans who have chosen to vote in a referendum that does not work for absolutely nothing. Even the eggs must be at least.

I feel it for quite some time: the growing independence movement in Catalonia. Because the fit of Catalunya in Spain, it seems to me, conflict is not resolved, it seems that nobody wants to solve and, meanwhile, not content to anyone. Because the Constitutional Court saying that Catalonia is a nation here we sounded like absolute betrayal. Because Spain still wants to see how a Spain Spain English in front of a truly plural and multinational. I also noticed in recent regional elections, is being given, as in Euskadi, a grouping into two main groups, nationalists and constitutionalists. And something that is perhaps more remarkable still: the independence movement for years belonged to the ranks of Esquerra Republicana. Today, no: there is in the ranks of other historic and Convergencia parties, Unio Initiative and even PSC (yet very sneaky), as well as new formations or Reagrupament Solidarity. That is, it has spread. In the same proportion that the malaise has spread.

You know what happens in Catalonia? That, as elsewhere, depends on who tells the story, I realized one way or another. Which are located on the side of the Constitutionalists do not think that nothing is so serious, and that what the Constitution said was so bad, or that deep down there is so much independence movement in Catalonia. On the other hand who stand on the side of the sovereign are a group of people who are wrong in your relationship with Spain, they do not feel respected, they perceive many pay taxes and do not see too clear that the distribution is fair after all, who feel angry about many things and anti-Catalan campaign, who are tired of so much to defend both pedagogy and evidence, they feel the historic mistreatment doubt survives . And what's worse: that all this hurts (because hurts those who do not are the ones who put the other side, and holy Easter.)

not know if this has a solution. I do not know if Catalonia will be independent one day (basically, I think not, because for independence is needed anger, and I think that fortunately it does not exist.) I do not know whether the water will return to normal independence and excitement disappears. What I know is that there are a thousand things that do not help. ZP statements laughing almost 18% of locals who voted, that, for example, does not help. And so many other things.

And me? What did I do the 10-A? (Which is to answer which of the two previously mentioned groups I stand). I voted.

I bet all my life to the understanding with Spain. For the federal state that allows us to be comfortable at all. But this dream away, or more clearly not approaching. And I'm tired of two things: to wait and pedagogy.

The Independent is a policy option that deserves respect. Hardly can be democratic if the people are allowed freely to choose, if requested. And the breakdown of the direct links does not imply any other kind of break. You see what I mean.
In September 2010 the Barcelona City Council invited a large bilingual poet, called Joan Margarit, to dictate the proclamation of the parties. And everybody got the surprise of the century. Because Margarit, who was not independence, never had been, suddenly dropped a rant in favor of the independence movement. Like many others, had gone from camp. Worth it or that it was to sense the discomfort he felt that impresentable called Jordi Hereu.

I want to rescue a paragraph from the memorable proclamation and dedicate it to all friends outside of Catalonia.

"But this change of relationship (with Spain, which he had just proposed in his speech) will be as fundamental as I said my friend and great Castilian poet Luis García Montero when we finished one of our conversations on this subject:` Joan, grant me your friendship will never become independent of us' "

As you know García Montero borders are one thing that can change, and other affections.

In any case, many Catalans feel that the time has come to claim, in fortunate Lluis Llach expression, our own "spring lliure."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ophthalmic Migraine Over Days

Emma Carelli (III)

Picciola nostro Addio or unknown. Manon Opera. Jules Massenet. 1904 acoustic recording, played by Emma Carelli and accompanied on piano by Salvatore Cottone. G & T 053032.Mat.Con 652


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Do Tvs Go On Sale For The Super Bowl?

Lack of time: Oil Indignaos

For active and passive scientists are warning us for many years that our lifestyle is unsustainable and even common sense tells us the folly of keeping a model of infinite growth, we took too long getting pulled, trapped in mortgages that bind us for life in a planned obsolescence to force us to use if or whether and finally mediated by a conditioned media in the service of consumption.
We are in a global-wide economic crisis and the proposed is the official savage neoliberalism, to sell basic services of society, privatization and wait states. Yes, wait. Working more and charge less, give everything to trust markets! and the emergence of a miracle that will allow growth to continue ad infinitum. Sometimes I wonder how you can communicate with such millstones.
In June 2010, Gaspar Llamazares asked a question the government on the peak of world oil production and the scandal of the confidants of the International Energy Agency. The answer is anything but satisfactory, but it is more worrying if anything, his call for caution to avoid unnecessary public alarm. Since the government is therefore expected that the markets are not the people to decide their own future becoming aware of the contingencies that lie near future.
The so-called oil crash will cause a general collapse of our society, which largely is already happening. I think other people should be informed of what we face, because trust, even that of the sacred market does not produce energy, not oil brings out the land. The big corporations that are playing to the depletion of the population, before retiring with full pockets and leave us with our confidence markets faced collapse. The slogan "privatize profits and socialize losses" is nothing more than an adaptation of "Take the Money and Run" and a blatant swindle. I recommend downloading this presentation on oil crash, where Antonio Turiel, Ph.D. in theoretical physics at the UAM (1998) and a staff scientist at the Institut de Ciències del Mar CSIC, makes us an excellent description of the problem.

many qualities are needed in humans to cope with the collapse. I think one of the most important is to have a systemic vision that will help us to discern the direction you want to go and get along with the direction we can go.
In terms of economic growth we have only three options: Continue growing
: discarded. There is a growing number of countries that have exceeded their particular peak oil, including the United States, which peaked more than 30 years. But it has continued to grow other oil.
steady state (which we leave as we are): The peak-oil, the peak of other raw materials, environmental degradation, etc. to keep prevent the current pace of life.
Decrement: yes or yes. I think that decrease is not an option but an inevitable consequence, which we are immersed. But the policies being pose are not aimed at enabling the transition to the whole population but to the "salvation" of an elite: those most responsible for the tragedy.
In fact we can only choose from, with a margin increasingly scarce, as decrease. We could also have some room for maneuver in designing a stationary model that does not involve death thermodynamics of the planetary system, the collapse of human society and the tipping point of climate change.
should remember that we are living beings and as such, bear in mind that the wealth of this planet is just life, that uniqueness that allows self-organization of matter in living organisms as complex as man himself. transitional movements are underway but time is running out, and in this waiting sterile miss the opportunity to opt for a less traumatic change. Capitalism and its infinite growth are corpses that can only offer corruption.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pokemon Listing 1 To 150

Manuel Quiroga (III)

Tango. Albeniz-Kreisler. Paris 1928/29 electrical recording, played by Manuel Quiroga and accompanied on piano by Mm.Quiroga. Pathe 300993.Mat. 9938 X


Monday, April 11, 2011

How Creamy Should Wall Grout Be

crash! Dead 60'S

I have 42 years of age. I was born in 1968 in the beautiful that under the pavement was the beach which was cool as can be seen in the image, the memory of the time it was customary working hours exceed 40 hours per week. I grew up in a working class family. I must say that I ever spent any kind of deprivation. But in all honesty, I must say that ... well, originally, my family came from something located below the working class, something that with an unerring ability to describe the old Don Carlos Marx described as "lumpen proletariat ". I guess I grew up like you did all of you in the lap loving parents and grandparents. I grew up with an attentive ear (there is nothing more than a distracted child friendly ... they say) to those stories that spoke of poverty, kilometers and kilometers traveled in search of a future, ration cards, strenuous working days of shit wages but did not give to Malcolm, Suit who wore years and years, went to the tailor, and this training gave them back to continue to be used by the other side, years and years. Shoes that were in search of tapas and half-soles to the cobbler. (It is true that the shoe like object appeared late in the life of my parents and grandparents ... they were more than espadrille ... they come from a time when between the sandal and shoe was a ditch social several meters long, very hard to jump, even gaining momentum). grew up in a house with sofas and television. Unlike some ancestors who were uncomfortable chairs just rushes ... maybe that's why they spent a lot more time on the street. I grew up pampered and spoiled, in an environment that I never miss anything ... but listening to my ancestors tell stories, stories of daily bombings, in which my grandfather had a baby this week was my mother every day in a basket of straw to the subway tunnel that guaranteed its immediate survival until the next day ... ... and back again. My mother had the misfortune of being born in the year 1937 in which certain international powers decided to practice experiments of military R & D paid by the Banca March, the provisional government and other sponsors Iberian Burgos.
Today more and I measure 20 cm Weight 15 kilos but my father measured and weighed at my age, for the simple reason that above me did not pass a war and postwar period as bulldozers. My metabolism has had access to many proteins and know-out of these references to family mythology, what are some "Farinet" or the husks understood as food for humans. When I turned 18 I could access without too many financial problems to a university education. I, .... The grandson of a sharecropper farm began to work hard to seven years, the grandson of an electrician who began working at age ten, the son of an accountant who started work at fourteen buttons years, I have my degree in law at age 22 without knowing what the fuck was that of social security contributions or hear the anger of a boss who wanted to slaughter today made yesterday. Social security contributions ... pussy! ... That great invention. The certainty that a portion of your salary going directly to a guarantee fund for free medical care, disability, unemployment, death, widowhood. The certainty that at age 65 would have a fair retirement. I belong to a generation in which many of its members believe that the eight-hour days, paid holidays, or unemployment benefits are eternal like the sun and moon were there ... life ... like stones, sea \u200b\u200bor the trees. Well, no buds. These gifts are a legacy of his grandfather. And they are paid with the blood of people. You were born, like me, in an era of cold war. At a time when there was the red menace. The terrible Iron Curtain, the Eastern bloc .... Dictatorial and inhuman. Meanwhile, throughout Western Europe a strong and active left ... in some countries legal left-but-almost never scratched power ... in others, like ours, in secret, suppressed, imprisoned and persecuted ... but in any case , much more alive than it is today. Showing its teeth. Threatening. And in the shadow of that threat was born and raised the EU- social rights after the war. That today, without an enemy in sight, it crumbles. Let's give something to these people is not going to be that we fill out an revolution ... some people thought.
And today, the overfed children and grandchildren of the wrestlers of yesteryear are as they eat the toast. And so quiet ... The supercharged children and grandchildren of those who fought against illiteracy are too concerned with the adventures and misadventures of Belén Esteban to move their chubby asses off the couch. They say that a people without literacy is much more manipulable ... because I do not know, frankly, I think I have my doubts. Or perhaps functional illiteracy is far more lethal than real illiteracy.

In tribute to those ancestors, my great grandfather illiterate, my grandfather who was considered a privilege not to be and he burned his sight reading but lacked other things ... in her memory, I read in one sitting the short book of this man of his generation. carried in the folds of much suffering memory. I urge you you throw a look at the link. Health, Peace, Love and righteous indignation to all, folks.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Fakes De Maria Conchita Alonso

I met him after several years. I really was not too eager to go to that town to see an exhibition of photographs of the 50 and 60. At last they came for me to take me there. On the other hand could not fail to see an old friend. "Buffalo Bill". It is not called in this way has never been named. His name is Mengibar this if that's your last name. He was a militant base PSUC. (Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia), and only left to bring the knob, long hair, after an arrest. I could write about him many things, but only comment on something that if we look closely does anyone. From the seventies told me he did not know what the hell would have the power, their erotic or whatever that nobody here makes a charge voluntarily. These words were spoken at a time when we had to speak softly, or sometimes not talking. And it has the merit of those who sent or were military, Falangists, or people closely related to the system. "Now, to say this, at that time was being a bit futuristic. Although there are exceptions to the rule . "She kept saying" oy S those who think it is not good or healthy forever in the office or in the chair, let alone become a professional politician, a political official.

For "Buffalo Bill", the same day that legalized PSUC dropped out of the game. Was over its function and when someone asked the well-known reason, always answer the same. "I'm an electrician, and my job is to repair a machine, when I finish, I never stay by his side forever. It would be pointless. I'm going to one that is broken ". After a long hug, and listen again and again as bustled at the World Worker hidden from one place to another, and a thousand other things, "that almost no-commenting, I went to the photo exhibition 50 years ago. We are therefore in a time of heavy immigration to large industrial areas, such as Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwith people coming mainly from Galicia, Extremadura and south Spain.

Then I look at this picture. It seems to highlight above all.
Undoubtedly squint eyes, that I would even describe as ruthless, the girl is like a powerful and invisible magnet that attracts me immediately, but after this first impact, if we look more closely the picture, we realize that the child is not only the only the group that instead of some delicate white gladioli, or a water lily, has in hand a very simple, and probably home, bunch of mosquito net it is also the only all girls who shows us his face. Seems like the other girls, were completely unrelated to photography, as, on the other hand, is quite logical, the undoubted and silent drama with which she must face on a daily basis, to defect from his eyes the point that the image presented first communion dress can seem grotesque when, grotesque, this beautiful picture has nothing.

gives me a feeling, a mixture of tenderness and admiration, the force decided that rather than take, seems to hold the bunch of mosquito that in all probability, in the same house his mother had arranged it with foil, with silver the same role that the Church did we give to the Mission Sunday, and is that rather than carrying a bouquet in hand, say that wields a flag on which fervently believe, and if something were to cross out the grotesque on the more than obvious squint eyes of this creature, would be the attitude that it is precisely in this look , can be seen reflected in the more or less disguised mockery or more or less sincere sympathies to the girl has to endure in their day to day.

They say a picture is not done, but you are. And an old activist and a fighter who has left the skin with no material interest, is found or not found?

would make, would make. Ho sento molt. Per those people who are not us pugueu afford to go to the doctor. because public health will be a priority. stop forcing us to invest Copaga it (or repay it, because we have paid through taxes), but is understandable: People who governs from today has more than a mutual, has a private doctor family. How much spending is unnecessary for them to cover the health of the poor!

Volver, volver!. Feel it much. People fear that I can not go to pay for medical permitirse. Because the Public Health stops being a priority. Let you invest in us and pushed copagarla (or repagarla it because the heme already paid via taxes) but it is understandable: The people who run from today has more of a mutual, has a private family doctor. What's so unnecessary expense for them is to cover the health of the poor! Text

Josep Estruel