Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Get Cubefield On Your Ipod Touch'

With food not played

seems that human beings do not learn, so that is either a fool or some feel smart. From what can be described is unwise, even evil. Some may ask, "What evil?" Yes, because at a natural lean animals fight for food, because their survival instincts, but they will not ever do is to engage in livelihood store because it does dedicate much less play with it.

For over half a century, Albert Einstein predicted that one of the great problems of humanity in the twentieth century was going to be hunger. Moreover, in the 60 young idealists advocated that it was all political. And the English popular wisdom, it is very wise when it wants, has a saying, well I either worldwide.

turns out that as we are immersed in this phenomenon, it seems as economists say, cyclical, called crises, the markets now has given strong food and raw materials. This obviously is not new, but at this point is already a very worrying as the millions of people every day hungry in this world have to start adding them new hordes of hungry. And it seems that in the coming years is forecast that the figure will rise. So Einstein's predictions would extend to this still young, but not least Machiavellian century. And I say this because once declared the financial crisis in which as we all know many people in different countries that make up the Earth, have been left without a place to live, now is also intended to leave without taking a piece of bread in your mouth. Phenomenon is much talk of eviction in the "first world", and the increase in inflation. But friends, we must remember that if those who live in that world first infallible course things are costing us more expensive and complex to reach the end of the month with all bills paid, the countries of the third stage they have greater difficulty . They also suffer from this crisis, even a more terrible, and yet they are the most forgotten. Impulsive cries silenced by Merkel and EU countries to keep their precious money, silenced by the rise of emerging cases (with a very black population), silenced by the great Western Narciso.

So, the markets, helped by retail investors (it has always been so wise and it seems that not chastens or a loss), are dedicated to speculate on the price of rice, soybeans , cereals, oil, sugar, corn, meat, etc. However, this is not a story that will appear the headlines in newspapers around the world or header information in front of televisions. No, of course not. It's much easier to explain a social revolt from a political or economic, ignoring and silencing the many different origins that lead to an entire population to take to the streets. These days we have clear examples in the countries of the Mediterranean, soon we'll see what happens in some Latin American countries, in Africa and Asia. And certainly, this is also reflected in some people of the far-called rich countries.

The always vilified Africa has problems paying for such basic foods as cereals and rice. In Mexico some time ago that there is shortage of corn for its population, since most of the production goes to the production of biofuel for the neighboring country. In Argentina, once considered the breadbasket of the world ", the landscape of the route has mutated considerably, where cows grazed before, now grown large areas of soybeans for export. In Asia, rice prices rises. And the Arab Mediterranean countries will have doubled the price of oil, sugar and cereals.

Africa, which emits large amounts of fruits and vegetables for running on the European markets through its commercial network, go hungry.

Much of Latin America, with its system of import substitution in place long ago, and hungry.

Asia, with two of the strongest emerging countries considered, has an enormous masses of people who go hungry.

In Muslim countries of the Mediterranean, drowned in miserable wages and poverty in the countryside, starts screaming before you start to starve.

In the U.S., Canada, Russia and Europe hundreds of people dispossessed by the system are hungry and the middle classes begin to notice the damage colaterabilidad critical financial offensive.

We can not rouse these data, we should not, would not be proper to the human condition. Children have always been taught not to play with food, why the elderly are engaged in playing with food cards like pocker? They have many lights, but the bet is dangerous. These international gamblers are playing the lives of children, women and men with names, families, alive.

And I do not want help. This is not about politics and economics, this is life.

* The images used are taken from the Internet.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Can You Bring Camera To Wwe

Nanotechnology Development in Korea

According to Central News Agency of Korea:

Recently, the Institute of Physics, State Academy of Science of Korea developed the device analyzer distribution of nano-particles.

To invent, the institute's researchers solved many problems scientific and technical and clarifying changes, which occur at different times in the intensity of light emitted from the nano-particles, and Korean-style develop the appropriate program.

Based on this, invented a device that measures and analyzes on a scale of 5 nm - 5 the distribution of the samples dispersed in solution.

Broadly, the apparatus comprises the optical system, components of signal processing and analysis computer and meet real-time observation.

With the new invention, has laid the groundwork to revitalize the study of nano-technology and the development of nano-products.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Staples Desktop Computer

Church discursive power, effective power

want to talk about religion. In the Catholic religion. I speak mainly of the Catholic Church as an institution of power and linked to the state. That is, as what should not be.
not dispute that within a society, the Church engage in advocacy for power. Everything is power relationships. What I wonder is, its absurd claim to be the State. To impose its doctrine and general discourse. Better, to impose their speech as general law, and not as standard for their faithful.
From where does this ambition? It is ambition or collusion between church and state? Where in the story line is confusing the roles?
I know from books, from a world in which God is the center and that anyone who does not respect the law, persecuted, imprisoned and burned. I also know that at some point, God ceases to be the center and that place is going to take the man.
And yet nothing seems to have changed. O yes, and it's just the Church that seeks to fill the central location such as a Balance Law and Society.
In dictatorships, it seems much simpler than the discourse of absolute revealed truth, not blindly refute and respected, to metastasize.
In democratic societies, however, the institutional Church, it seems resigned to take the place it deserves and which he gave his chief ideologue in laying the foundation stone.
Instead, the organization seeks not only impose their speech as a general rule of coexistence, but also keep a large part of the "cake" which involves the State (that is, all Jewish, Catholic, blonde, yellow, employees, bosses, homosexuals, women, sick healthy, etc.).
As an example, it may be recalled in Argentina, the issuance of the Divorce Act in the 80's, around which the bombing Catholicism the state as "generator of divorce." As if an atheist, should respect the law abstract of a God who does not believe.
These attacks and rabid intolerance of Catholicism, rose last year, when the Government, ready to play a central role in the pursuit of equality, regulated the Equal Marriage Act, and is sensed, a bitter struggle around the Abortion Act.
is simple: the Church's ambition that his speech forged from belief, faith, outreach, even those who do not share those beliefs. And if they could establish Hell as punishment for all social misconduct, or what they consider "sin."
Hell, must accept the Church, is an unproven hypothesis, and as such can not be considered a temporary physical space that a law of society, if you can determine punishment.
But this claim is not merely discursive. It is clear that the Church knows what role it should play, but not accepted. The organization is not naive and knows that, at least in Argentina, its constitutional status as the State Religion, gives some important privileges that no other religion has.
In the December issue of 2010 Magazine Faces and Masks, appears an interesting article by Gabriel Michi, which summarizes the privileges of the Catholic Church. Briefly, we could list them:

- The State (all) contribute to the salaries of titular bishops, auxiliary emeritus. Retirement contributions priests and parishes.
- Religious Catholics do not pay taxes, except for services like electricity and water.
- The state subsidizes denominational schools.

suspect that with these few data, just to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhy the Church Institution fight tooth and nail that place that does not belong, to share state power. It is not just a matter of discourse and imposed on other religions, is about money, and pretty.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Gain Minutes Of Daylight

North Korea a world leader in adoption of 3G mobile

According to a ranking published in the American press, North Korea is the world leader in adopting 3G technology in mobile telephony. A 99.9% of mobile phone lines are connected to this system, which allows voice calls, video calling, messaging, software downloads, e-mail and network access.

Japan, with a 94'6% and South Korea, with a 71'7% remain in North Korea in this ranking.

The North Korean mobile phone network is very recent and has just over two years. Without doubt, the economic imperialism and the difficulties in access to international technology trade and caused the delay in this matter.

However, in 2009 began operating Koryolink, a joint venture in which the State Company for Post and Telecommunications Korean associated with Egypt's Orascom. In the brief period until today, 301,199 North Koreans have acquired a line and the numbers are still increasing quickly.

This technological modernization effort, North Korea has invested in acquiring the latest in mobile telephony, as in other consumer goods technology. In fact, DPR Korea and manufactures its own PDAs, computers, software, including Linux operating system called Red-Flag, digital cameras, camcorders, ... etc.

Gift Verse Asking For Money

A priest goes to jail for visiting North Korea

Pastor Han Sang Ryol giving a speech in late August, when he visited North Korea.

A cleric from South Korea will have to spend five years in prison for traveling to North Korea and praised its leaders.

The South Korean laws prohibiting unauthorized contact with the communist country from the north.

Han Sang-ryol was arrested in August after returning from a two-month stay in the neighboring country.

His trip was when there was a strong tension between the two Koreas after the South blamed the North to have sunk one of its warships in March.

Source: BBC .

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Do Magnets Damage Refrigerators

yeu, yeu, yeu, yeu

Many mornings, from May to September, to get on my tool to address Vila (Eivissa) way of my work obligations, I see a cyclical phenomenon Single day is repeated each year.
Although the car has passed through the car wash the previous day, the next day will be covered with a thin layer of reddish-brown dust ... (my father, who has since adolescence in Ibiza, told me years ago ... it Algerian dust, dust from the Sahara to the south wind brings in suspension and here is, of memory).

As you know, Ibiza is an island in the Mediterranean. What many people may not know is that the port of Ibiza is less nautical miles off the coast of Algeria to the port of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bfor example.
... There is a curious detail. looking at a map we see that the island's largest port and largest city, is facing south towards Africa ... The reason is that the first civilized inhabitants of this island, the Phoenician-Punic, came from Lebanon current (first) and Tunisia (after).

Logistically, now that most of the goods come to us come from Barcelona or Valencia that is a nonsense and a huge fuel bills, there exist as port on the northern coast, facing the Iberian Peninsula, in San Antonio Abad (settlement of Roman origin that just derives from the Latin Portus Magnus) ... but who, many centuries before, did go down in history on this island, who brought him the script, currency, architecture, drainage, .... were African.
If Ibiza (the gentleman who has the store or open small stall ...

.. until late at night) is something ... is Phoenician, at least in a high percentage of their genes.

August 8 is the day of San Ciriaco. Many of you will tell you that onomastics not absolutely nothing, but for the Ibiza "festa de la terra" ... the day that everything changed. The day in 1235 when a handful of marine-Catalan-Aragonese fighters hungry lousy, iron and rags covered with rags, burst the walls of Dalt Vila and entered the blood and fire in the town for this prosperous city was then called Yebisah.

One of the many changes that suffered one of the oldest cities in the current Spain (the second oldest, after three millennium old Gadir-Cádiz, again the Phoenicians ...) one of the many changes that Ibiza became the Ibosim of the Phoenician-Punic, (a town with miles of sewer and street lighting that traded throughout the Mediterranean and the Atlantic side ... while on the peninsula or in the rest of Europe still living in huts and had not left the Neolithic period) then the Romans Ebusus or Yebisah of the Hispano.

Ibiza Today spoken in Catalan and Castilian ... (and in many languages, but these two are the officers under the Constitution). Our cities are named after saints (Sant Joan, Sant Josep, Sant Antoni, Santa Eulalia ...) Well, we have the flags, we worship the God and speak the languages \u200b\u200bof the white man, European and Christian ... but with music, dance and folklore .... oh, man, there could not ....
I attached (no mercy no ... but is that I consider interesting) long passages from various writings of the researcher and musicologist Daniel Escandell

"... The ancient goddess of Ibiza and Carthage was Tanit, who personified the moon . In older devotions, was the Phoenician Astarte, Isis the Egyptian, Greek Artemis or Roman Diana. For all the people old, the moon was more sacred. Even Christianity escaped this powerful influence. The Virgin Mary herself, in her title of Immaculate , has among its attributes a moon crescent.

That Ibizan dances are ancient lunar origin is clearly indicated women's movements in "sa llarga" or "sa curta." Among the big jumps male dancer, the woman is facing (full moon). Suddenly, turns ninety degrees, showing half the picture (quarter). At like the moon in the sky, the woman is a curve. end of it, turn 180 degrees and shows his other half (crescent). And and again and again until the end of the dance. With the peculiarity that never turns his back.

Another dance, called "ses Dotze rodades" (the twelve laps) represents these same twelve laps gives the Moon around the Earth in over a year. This dance, typical wedding, sometimes dancing with only nine "rodades" another allusion to the moon and female fertility, as they are nine lunar months required for the gestation of a human being .... "

"... As for musical instruments, which more general and current used is the" xeremies "a curious double clarinet reeds, also called "Xeremies claim" or "double xeremies." In no other people in Europe see this instrument. His background seems to have found the most remote in the double "Maite" of ancient Egypt, not only in form but also for his prints or brodats "virtually identical. .. "

" ... As for the songs are divided into two classes: those properly so called, "cançons" and the "glosses" (glosses). In the first, the performer steps up each verse with the enigmatic and distinctive "ye ... ye ... ye ..." or "... yeu yeu yeu ... ...", sounds of unknown origin.
The glosses are more modern and lack of this roll, very similar to singing Berber North Africa. Do not forget that the island was occupied by the Hispano for three and a half centuries. Probably the oldest kind of song in North Africa and the Middle East was known as "Huda", a word that means heading, bearing. It was a song typical of desert nomads and Bedouins. It was a very simple monody of stanzas, like the song Ibiza, which invariably ended with this roll: Hedia e, e Hedia, e Jeddah Jeddah ye. This phrase was intended to keep caravans together in the dark of night and the desert. ... "
" ... The Bedouin tribes were gathered and rise to two powerful nations:
The Almoravids S / IX and Almohads S / X. Both towns were established in Ibiza for more than a century here obviously left the imprint of his music.
Ibiza The ancient isolation has made it possible for our island is something like a living museum. A permanent pool of multiple cultures of other villages, who leaped over time and history, are not memories but everyday forms that have reached our present.
The fact that Ibiza is preserved in the oldest style of Arabic song has an important corollary: that the ancient cultures of the peoples Bedouin nomads of the Sahara desert and are the heirs of an important prehistoric culture known as the Tassili culture, which flourished between eight thousand and five thousand years ago. Possibly, for the sake of the island, Ibiza's music and older songs are a witness that prehistoric fossil, the largest in North Africa. This solution would
geographical and chronological origin of the mystery that our ancient song
presents to scholars and researchers in early musical forms
who until recently considered the oldest music the world,
still alive, belonged to China and Japan, with some four thousand years old
. Music and song play five notes, while the
Ibiza, and here's the surprise, he plays four notes, which
shows a much greater antiquity. Many musicologists who
say, to hear the songs of Ibiza, with a living fossil found ...."

For many days each spring and summer, I'll be cleaning up red dust windshield, I like to think ... Above explanations weather, dust that is the spirit of Ibosim and Yebisah, which tries to resist, as it can, to oblivion.

brief explanation of the pictures ... from top to bottom
1.-For several days each spring and summer, I'll be cleaning up red dust from the windshield ... I like to think, above the weather explanation, that Dust is the spirit of Yebisah Ibosim and it resists, as it can, to oblivion.

Health, Peace and Love to all.

brief explanation of the pictures ... from top to bottom
1 .- Pied Phoenician and dreamy eivissenc Eivissenc
2 .- Ca (Ibizan hound) breed, native now the island and this symbol of Middle Eastern origin.
4 and 4 .- headlines the day before yesterday day 19 and day 20 in the Journal of Ibiza
5. and 7 - Women's Moroccan traditional wedding costume and traditional attire Berber Women
6. and 8 - Ibizan Women in traditional dress, note the resemblance to the Berber women in the habit of wearing jewelry in the trunk, the "enterprises"
9 And 10 Videos downloaded from youtube i glosses Eivissenques pagès ball.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pararescue Saves Navy Seals

I do not get CNN + ...

In this post, which already had written when she appeared the previous entry in Shout Piñera talking wolves and their adventures, I note Ramon throws a dart exposing the nerve to many politicians who are dedicated to promise a program and then make them hidden agenda established in its masters. Alert politicians should be before employers, to those who make capital drive belt, before saying one thing and then have a hidden agenda, to those who are supported by the multinationals and the business world, its media to defend their illegitimate interests, to insult the opponent to lead us to think how bad it is and the need for alternatives even his empty ... They want to manage the state as an enterprise, regardless of their social role, its involvement with citizenship and sovereignty that is. The downside is that creating an opinion on the go convenience and incompetence of politicians to manage that condition, so they are presented, with its principles as a valid alternative. The big problem is that they have to service the world of communication, television and other media ...

I watch little television, but when I do I usually do zapping to find out if there is something interesting, I do not eat coconut take me to the idiocy of the boob induced. It seems that we do not realize the impact it has on TV in the creation of opinion, but not only in view, as it emerge other things, such as attitude and shape or pattern of thinking and dealing with things. He has a social mirror function, just taking behaviors that occur as normal and bearable from our perspective.

There are programs that I am eligible stultifying par excellence, as they are, the reality show, some talk shows, programs from the heart, etc. seeking to free ourselves from our own shame by comparison. When you look me in the mirror I find that I go favored (the vulgar subject of big brother is a unpresentable, something I am not, and still appears on television without censorship or subterfuge, the roof has put me short and I should not worry or strive to improve). On the other hand we gossip, that kind of social vice of the human being to walk takes you project onto others, sticking their noses into other people's lives when it is not able to arrange his own, seeking the satisfaction to discover the shortcomings of others that reinforce their own ego .

But there is another significant variable. Loneliness in the company that both swarming around our society and within our own families, do we seek with eagerness and willingness, a contact with the outside world that does not traumatize us, allowing us to control the situation without relational disputes which tend to generate human relationships with actors outside the group, we fill the huge emptiness that grips. Then comes the TV, that window to the world that makes us see how things were and thus how we act on them. Our own debate, the fabric of the plot, the shape and structure of it, just caught on TV by projection and identification with certain actors or models that show either high level of mediocrity well presented as normal. It is easier and more rewarding to see the Belén Esteban saying nonsense that are understandable, and somewhat pathetic criticism wit, that a Punset interviewing a scientist who presents the result of hard work and research that opens the mind to knowledge fields science major. That costs more, because we have no basis to understand and end up feeling inferior and destroying our ego. So we'll see each other and we do not propose to see that Punset that leads to questions, we minimized and confronts us with our limitations. Our spirit of excellence is neutralized.

TV has two clear ways to get our attention. One is treating us like children and get us into distraction with trifles and another is treated as adults and offer critical programs, content-laden story that makes us understand and develop our minds. Depending on how we respond to one or the other claim. Unfortunately, spectators tend to have more childlike they mature. If we add that TV has several functions, which I emphasize to win the money according to the ratio of viewers who have, through advertising, and to educate and create public opinion, we conclude that the former prevails no matter too much impact on social behavior that are developing or enhancing.

has been enhanced a model of social gatherings where the debate is presented as a form of confrontation resistant to logical argument otherwise. Where the talk show becomes "tontuliano" as his closed mind does not permit or a new idea to go against his recital, but this is obvious. The aggressive, tough, disrespectful, disqualifying and often insulting, plant a model of destructive and confrontational debate it does not help to understand the staff, to meet and synergy that leads to rapprochement and sharing, which are the guarantors of a good living.

Then there is the intention or objective that seeks the owner of the roost, that is the master station. Knowing that is a very important instrument of manipulation and social influence, who is aware that a station can lend a sardine ember of his master, to validate their interests, behavior and leadership? Berlusconi's case is a clear example. Hard to believe that a people can vote for a subject of such catadura without questioning their actions, morals, ethics, values \u200b\u200band principles, unless it is alienated from their media. There are other elements, such as Murdoch, holding a news empire, which gives more power over the masses than any other, and seeks to serve the interests of its people. The influence of these media is the best guarantee of power over the masses that can be.

could go on endlessly talking about it, there are nuances and elements of analysis for this, but I conclude with my regret that the destination of CNN +. I am shocked to see Big Brother on screens where Iñaki Gabilondo was before, even-handed news reports, discussions and commentators sedate targets ... al menos bajo mi criterio.

Cada vez nos quedan menos medios en los que confiar, menos aliados defensores de la libertad de prensa, al usarla ellos en su propio beneficio informativo. Cada vez nos quieren comer más el coco. Fuerzas ocultas dominan los medios, pagan y exigen a los profesionales conductas asociadas a sus pretensiones… Sospecho que estas, las pretensiones, son descalificar y corromper a la política y sus políticos, de embrutecer a la gente y hacer de pastor del rebaño, de autoridad moral ética y de guía para el observador hasta llevarlo a su redil. Está claro que el neoliberalismo quiere romper ataduras, condicionantes y normas que le sometan desde el Estado. Es más, pretende ser el agente dominante system, ignoring rules of contract and social commitment than the free market for it they want, and they will get if we do not preserve, dominate the media and guide at your service. Difficult to rely upon us, but still, we can only alternative critical attitude, open-minded and analytical to make us more mature and demanding not to fall into their networks. The blog world can be a refuge and a stronghold to scream and deny your game ... We will grow?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Corporal Punishments In Movies


Chile, the long petal of sea sang Neruda is news again almost. This time it saves is apotheosis that allow success to join President Sebastián Piñera, but a serious incident in which, moreover, have been embroiled several foreign tourists.

Maybe that is what has led some newspapers have echo echo that Piñera has tried to raise the price of natural gas to the inhabitants of the Magellan region by 17 percent, although during his election campaign promised that the price of gas, essential for survival there would not be touched.

There is little mystery in history: an entrepreneur is presented to the elections, promising this and that, and voters, some clever, I choose to believe they will lead to a kind of paradise. Then the truth is very different.

Piñera, like many others believe that Chile is a company in which citizens are just a few employees who can do without more.

now says we should raise the price of natural gas to Chile does not lead to ruin as has happened in Spain, like much of what happens here is not due to the characters of style here, too, suffer Piñera .

I always think that when a case would only talk about blogs (some), go bad. Because probably some kind of censorship is affecting this issue. As conflicts have also occurred in closest English presence brings us closer to the subject and beyond the place where the news was bound expected: a small brief case considered local.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Granny Flat Building Plans

A citizen South Korean position is processed by pro-North Korea

Once again, a South Korean citizen has been prosecuted for supporting the socialist government of North Korea.

perplexed few months ago we attended a similar case that ended with a sentence of four years imprisonment to a citizen of South Korea by North Korea have music on a USB stick (see news ).

Apparently, the crime has made this city of 54 years, named Cho, has been posting pictures and videos on your blog Uriminzokkiri defending North Korean leader Kim Jong Il. He is also accused of using a social network profile Twitter to send messages praising the northern government.

By August of last year came to light several news where noted in this blog, Uriminzokkire as a blog run by the government of North Korea. Immediately, the South Korean government gave the order to prohibit access to the blog from within the country.

But these were unfounded news. Indeed it was the North Korean government who controlled this blog, but a dissident living in their own country, as evidenced by this latest news.

This case again reflects the repression of the Korean people by their government and makes us see how to apply the freedom of expression l in Korea capitalist freedoms. In South Korea, as in all capitalist states of the world, the enemies are those who support a popular alternative and / or socialist-communist capitalism instituted.

This city will suffer in the flesh called "National Security Law, which provides extensive prison sentences for those who broadcast propaganda for North Korea and communism.

And, as much as to endeavor, democratic Korea is North Korea and repressive is the South, for the lower classes, of course. Socialist Korea

For more information about this story, please contact our source.

You can also visit the Uriminzokkire Youtube Channel , which contains a wide variety of North Korean videos.

Fitness Test Template


During the last elections to the Parliament of Catalonia learned to hold their breath for an hour and a half. Just the time it took to fall, little, announcing the exit polls surveys: a deputy to Platform for Catalonia, the association was born in Vic
fell by little, very little. He was about to sneak into the Parlament. Although not do the truth is that thousands of Catalans trusted Anglada, leader platform, to carry out projects that do not summarize here because they are easily deduced.

was the Catalan electoral campaign in which he played the trump card in the lower appetites and the electioneering of some parties (PP in the lead) opted for populist demagoguery on this issue, as if handed out to fix problems certainly exist.

I've always said the need to deal with extreme seriousness of the issue, avoiding both the criminalization of some (how good can procure election returns) and the paternalism (goodism, some call it) of others. These two external, damaging both. The goodism just being excesses of right then shamelessly exploit. I still think you need to treat immigrants with utmost respect, giving the same benefits that we enjoy here, but requires adaptation to our rules and laws. Put another way: the same rights and same duties. Everything else is a source of problems, I think.

The reason for this post is to gloss over some graffiti have appeared on my street. Vivas, compelling, original. If this Anglada, that of the Platform , goes through life asking immigrants to leave, why not ask him to do the same? Could. As a representative of one end of which I spoke earlier, nothing helps your presence and his speech. So I also vote to make him go.

Friday, January 7, 2011

What Does Breast Cancer Mean To You



Now when everything falls, we lose sovereignty, we discovered that speculation also be used to refer to states that are believed democratic. markets have designed their attacks to sovereign debt to pay higher interest . Now, that Wikileaks, we found no embagues it all a lie, start to assume true that two years ago acted quietly to avoid being labeled as crazy or radical extremists. Now that conspiracy theories are no longer theories and slap our naivete. It's time to name all the parasites in the world. The time to fight and work for everything a thousand times fail tomorrow. Now that everything falls apart, it's time to start building a new world, moving from naivete to subversion. It's time to choose between being a defeatist sheep, beef slaughter, or choose to be unruly flock.
Someone once said "We are not afraid of ruins, because we have a new world in our hearts." We have forgotten many things, but the call re-establishment of the left needs of this spirit. But how to understand the class struggle when workers are being replaced by machines or robots, when they are divided into nations?
Nevertheless, we are not lost. We do not know where to go. And that is a lot. However

Where to go? We have the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. That can give us a lot about what to address. But what new economic model suggest?
not to invent too because it is already running. Facing the Total Market neoliberal model without control or accountability, there is something more than a trend as revolutionary and efficient. The software and free knowledge has proven an economic model in itself, aimed at producing wealth and immunized against speculation, adopted by countries like China or Russia. We are not talking as much of a testimonial model, but something that serious concern to many multinationals . On the other hand climate change requires consideration of all costs so far, hidden under the euphemism of externalities, natural resources have been decimated. The changes are not only necessary. They must also be possible. And that leaves us little room for maneuver.
need economic models focused on the production of wealth, respect and recovery of the natural environment, which respect the individual and collective sovereignty, that restore common public assets and shielded from speculation. The economic model of free knowledge, brings much of what we need: the production of common wealth and public, shielding against speculation and compatibility with the current economic model. So, no need to wait.

In a country with more than four and a half million unemployed, with unemployment benefits ending looms a huge tide of despair, people ate predictable when he said the system, because consumption was the engine the economy. Willing to work but left to their own ...
may need more than just crammed with Big Brother to calm desolation. May arise from these innocent blogs ideas to change the world .
Behind this great world crisis sleeps a great opportunity. Governments to let them pass and are now subjects of the market. We can not do the same.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

How To Make A Wedding Time Capsule

school in Catalan

Catalunya has always been a place where her face has looked more to the countries of northern Europe to other places. Be why it was invented here by that of "need the money" (money is money) we, be, or trying to be economists and learn from a culture and media that we saw more modern where it is still remembered that of "Better to honor without ships than ships without honor." It might be that in addition to entrepreneurs and thrifty, too, are stubborn and defenders of our culture to the core.

Since the restoration of the Generalitat, the status of Catalan as official language of Catalonia was held on a delicate balance: on one hand, the Government avoided making bold policy standards (rightly, that the country needed), and secondly the English institutions avoid putting undue obstacles to the Government on language. This equilibrium, in fact, never really be respected by anyone but at least served to ensure a modest but safe, Catalan.
From the moment the Government has tried to secure the position of Catalan as a common language of Catalonia, and thus bringing it to the Castilian, the reaction of the English institutions have been of disproportionate retaliation. Today we known that the Tribunal Supremo English , based in Case Court Constitutional against the statute , has issued three sentences by that introduces the English as the language vehicle school.
The trap is clear, is that while Madrid check out the Catalan, the same Madrid "Overprotected Castilian. More than 500 English law, issued either by governments of right or left, require the Castilian, from areas such as cinema to the labeling of bags of potatoes. Without the massive funding of institutions dedicated to promoting the Castilian language and culture, such as the Instituto Cervantes. The rope, it seems that can be broken by the Catalan.
But if the string is broken by the Catalan, Spain can break perfectly. A majority of Catalans in the facts have proved unwilling to keep silent about such attacks on the national identity of Catalonia. If finally dogged Madrid suppress the rise of Catalan to school, will need to join the Catalans and the Catalan institutions react in defense of the language of all.

After the collapse of the Union of Democratic Center (UCD) by Adolfo Suárez, Miquel Roca promoted the creation of a liberal party that was able to capture the electorate's political center. "Operation Rock" or "Operation Reform", with a projection for the entire English territory, completed in November 1984 with the conclusion of the Constitutional Congress of Democratic Reform Party (PRD), training to which was attached the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and Antonio Garrigues Walker Galician Coalition.
was submitted to the General Election of 1986, except in Catalonia and Galicia and obtained 194,538 votes (0, 96%) and no seats, following which it was dissolved.
despite not being exactly my cup of tea, if I would have liked to win, because his project was to make it more Catalan Spain, that is, closer to Europe with the thought Catalan. Of course this did not represent anyone teach dance Catalan sardanas. But if you knew there are other ways and other methods of study, another type of effort and another form of being an entrepreneur, because at that time was still a little "Both rides, rides well," while here many years ago did not want to be by "work" of Isabel and Fernando.
been many years, and now I find that in Fuengirola There is a Finnish school, tells me:

Alas, with the Reform Party was attempted but broke down. commonly As we would say: "My wife has bastard, lost work."

Imagine that in Spain the arrival of Moroccan immigrants has not peaked, but over the coming years continues to grow unchecked, making here about 40 years more than half of the English population is of Moroccan origin.
(and I do not much imagination, Manresa is a school that is in a class 23 students, of whom 22 are Muslim)

At this point, despite being for official use, Castilian is used unless the Arabic language, giving the case if the Castilian not enjoy an explicit protection by the authorities, this would be relegated to an increasing use minority, to extinction.

I know that the example may seem out of context, exaggerated, demagogic and all As you will, but it would be a situation that many can understand why a language may need legal protectionism discussed in this thread.

If despite all this you consider that in this scenario the Castilian should be abandoned to their fate, then say nothing. But be honest and if this idea makes you think a bit, be consistent and try to understand the point of view of those trying to protect the Catalan.
a language that needs the support not only of the Catalans, but in Spain (as a sign of the cultural wealth of the whole country, even if some do not want to understand). Same
an unwillingness to see or understand why our literature is sold more abroad than in Spain (except where they speak Catalan, of course)
Joan Salvat-Papasseit made his fortune with the phrase "Qui els Origens forgiveness, forgiveness of Identitat "... Who loses its origins, it loses its identity.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Counterfeit Titleist Irons Ebay

first editorial of 2011 published by several newspapers of the DPRK Rodong Sinmun

New Year occasion, the newspapers Rodong Sinmun, Joson Inmingun and Chongnyon Jonwi published the first day of the joint editorial entitled "registered a breakthrough in improving people's lives and building a great prosperous powerful nation by giving a further boost to light industry.

The full text of the editorial follows below: Today we

2011, year of hope and new flourishing, having crowned with victory the first decade of XXI century effervescent.

The decade was fired just process the continuation of the thoughts and the cause of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung who have strongly advocated, and the creation and wonders characterized by the preparation of a powerful springboard for the leap to the great prosperous powerful nation. In the tumultuous maelstrom of the new century our country has remained always the focus of the world in the first line of the anti-imperialist struggle for independence.

Our army and people, creators of a heroic feat of continuous victories under the strong guidance of the great comrade Kim Jong Il, are full of hope in an even brighter future and faith in sure victory.

Last year 2010 was a magna transformations that followed the miraculous events that make us envision a future of strength and prosperity.

our Party's strategy for building a great prosperous powerful nation is more scientific and realistic. Last year our march was promoted to a large rise programmed as desired and dear General, and brought great fruits provided for him. Korea does what it decides. This unshakable truth was proven by practice. In

just have spoken eloquently dismiss the bright prospect and invincibility of our Party and our revolution through jubilant political events to be recorded in block letters in the history of the nation.

The Conference of the Korean Workers Party, held amid high political enthusiasm of our people and a great interest in the world, was an important opportunity to strengthen and develop to ours as eternal party of Comrade Kim Il Sung and improve in all aspects of guiding authority. For our army and people is of great glory for having prepared the fundamental guarantee that allow you to continue and complete the Party's cause, the revolutionary of Juche.

acts commemorating the 65th anniversary of the founding of the party, made at the highest level and peculiar form, have clearly shown the world the power of the monolithic unity has reached a new, superior, and invincible military power . Although it was very complex situation, public opinion was quiet in high grade and will of our army and people to continue with steps firm the long road of revolution towards the Party has increased a hundredfold. No other party in the world and people as large as ours that have, besides a history of invincibility, infinitely promising future.

Thanks to the vigorous way in big promotion last year, has opened a safe way to improve at a startling rate and before long the people's livelihood.

combative Party's call to dedicate it all to improving the welfare of the people shocked the whole country and started roaring guns of triumph in all places of battle for the big promotion. Under the wise leadership of the Party has vigorously promoted the modernization in light industry, chemical and metallurgical and other industries linked with people's lives and opened a bright prospect in order to produce large quantities of iron, fiber and fertilizer produced by indigenous methods. They have built hundreds of important works such as the polder Taegyedo and Youth No.2 Ryesonggang Hydroelectric and panoramas have appeared everywhere Songun wonderful time. It is an invaluable success, harvested in the process of running a large promotion, have settled the foundation for our full bloom so desired ideal which is a great prosperous powerful nation.

The past year has shown the mettle everywhere of Songun Korea marching towards the world.

Amid a red-hot battle to catch up to advanced level phenomenal success has been astounding the world in the fields of science and high technology such as computers and nuclear. Kim Il Sung University, the Higher Institute of Chemical Industry of Hamhung and other professional training centers have morphed magnificently under the requirements of the era of knowledge economy. Very proud of our country, socialist cultural power, that cultural and artistic activities of the masses have climbed to new heights, and created on ideo-artistic works perfect, as the Eco light drama of the mountain. The future of our nation is infinitely bright, because the idea and feeling of all the people aimed at making the world looks with admiration for our great Party and the Kim Il Sung Korea erupt like a volcano.

We fired a historic year that has emerged at the highest level the extraordinary leadership of Comrade Kim Jong Il wanted to really flourish in his grand plan to achieve empowerment and prosperity.

Last year, our struggle to build a great prosperous powerful nation has taken place amid a situation of extreme tension and draconian penalties the enemy. The idea of \u200b\u200bour Party is to attack, and it is also the method of making revolution. Has been unshakable will of the great General to maintain the dignity of the nation against any storm, and art direction that guided the whole army and people to the bold offensive has been truly extraordinary and skillful.

The chronicle of the momentous ascent direction given by the great comrade Kim Jong Il in 2010, has been characterized by forced marches beyond imagination, made to give instructions on the ground. Throughout the year, from its earliest days, he visited the construction site of Huichon Hydroelectric and other places of high-rise battle around the country, put into action the Party organizations and officials, and made the spiritual force of soldiers and civilians were exploited to the fullest. Tens of millions of men, together monolithically, following the great General that continued day and night his orientation tour, make sharp cold or scorching heat, torrential rains and snowstorms fall furious, during which strong flares have large standard innovations and jumps. The two visits of the General wanted to China that attracted the attention of the world had a great historical importance, since increased to a new step traditional relations Korean-Chinese friendship and created a favorable situation for our revolution.

The work of building a great prosperous powerful nation that momentum will continue undisturbed their progress according to the schedule set by the beloved historic General. This is a conviction that our army and people reaffirmed in the depths of his heart on the day of battles worthy of last year. Each of the decades of the century also marked the great victory of the politics of Kim Jong Il, skilled and experienced statesman.

New Year 2011 is the general offensive designed to achieve another major step forward in building a great prosperous powerful more vigorous fanning flames of boom in efforts to improve the quality of village life.

The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said:

"With faith in victory we make continuous innovations and achieve continuous progress to reach the bright future as soon as possible: the great prosperous powerful nation."

The struggle of our people aims to put the board of that power in the door of the dignity of Kim Il Sung Korea is in an important phase.

in the next year will celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the birth of the great comrade Kim Il Sung, Our fatherly leader, founder of socialist Korea and initiator of the work to build a great prosperous powerful nation of Juche. His legacy is for us as the indispensable party program. We must move to the dynamic offensive attack to combat in all fields to implement the project of the great leader to build a rich and powerful country, and thereby turn the date on the nation's top party of Kim Il Sung and momentous event in human history.

Ours is a heroic people to comply without conditions as decided and unyielding people who do not allow for any momentary stagnation to realize their noble ideal. The world is watching closely what remarkable feats performed our army and people, driven by a great ambition, go to a hurricane so powerful invincible.

undertake the general offensive continued and now is rather a higher phase of major campaign to improve people's living conditions.

We have taken giant steps in implementing the grand strategy of the Party to improve the lives of the population. We have a pressing task of carrying the standard of living of the population at the level that requires great prosperous powerful nation, consolidating and enlarging the achievements we have made. To promote the struggle to improve people's lives until the final victory it as the most important task, as the supreme goal, this is the strong will of our Party. We must make continuous innovation and progress and the offensive vigorously calling us to a splendid future, in which the people enjoy happiness in every way, with strong echoes all over the country.

We must accelerate the pace of progress in raising the slogan boom combative "registered a breakthrough in improving people's lives and building a great prosperous powerful nation, giving another boost light industry! ".

Light industry is the main front of the general offensive this year. We

powerful key industries and a contingent of competent scientists and technicians who assist the revolution in light industry and a valuable experience of having led a takeoff on the industry despite the many difficulties we face. Give a stronger impetus to its development is a mature and demanding an imperative task to build an economic power.

Attitudes toward light industry is an important indicator directly related to how to treat people, support the party position and point of view about the revolution. This year, the year the light industry, we must aggressively promote everywhere a major campaign to prioritize that industry and concentrate in it.

Modern light industrial factories and production centers of consumer goods, models of the new century, which cost much effort to our party, are valuable assets that contribute to improving the living standards of the population. A light industry rightful give priority to ensuring high standards of production in factories and companies, steeped in the noble benevolence of the Party. Also concentrate the forces responsible for the production of staples and other popular consumption, while expanding and increasing the production of general goods. Decisively improve the quality of consumer products is an expression respect the people and patriotic sentiment. Each of the items that are produced must be widely accepted by the people and so perfect in all respects as to compete in the global market. It is necessary to expand the varieties of consumer products to satisfy different demands and tastes of the population.

should continue vigorously promoting technological upgrading and scientific bases for the production of popular consumer items. The purpose of our Party is to make the modernization of light industry cover not some branches but all these, to a level not maximum and medium but is made with an eye, with vision the distant future. This process must be substantially achieve the goals projected one after another. Officials and light industrial workers must continuously upgrade their technical level and skill to the point of driving ability of modern computers, equipment based on CNC technology, and conduct rigorous scientific and technical production and management.

local industry represents a large portion of domestic production of consumer goods. We must promote a mass movement aimed at rejuvenating all local industrial factories along the torch of local industrial revolution sparked by the great general in Changsong. Hoeryong and will Kanggye as an example to develop under the conditions in each region and make fully operational local factories using all sources of raw materials in each territory.

needed the whole society and all the State ever give deep attention to light industry. They have to supply on time and in required quantity raw materials, fuels, materials and funds, according to the requirement of the Party's policy of attaching importance to this branch. We must put great effort in producing our own way and for raw materials and supplies. It is necessary to deploy more forces the Movement for the production of popular consumer items "August 3" which takes effect in the revolution in light industry and greatly increase the production of the staple genres of all units have a chance. It must visibly improve the supply of goods and food service so that the Party's policy for the people of effects.

The big march today to improve life population requires to launch a major offensive across the economic front.

Our party wants the officials and employees of the priority sectors, basic industries of the national economy, are as heroic workers Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex and serve hot coals to fan the flame of the great boom in improving the lives of the population. We achieve the victory of this great boom with the same conviction, the same way to work and practice the same capacity of the workers of the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex, this is what we called our party. Only

production of coal in large quantities of fertilizers makes it feasible, fiber, electricity and steel materials. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe coal industry will concentrate the force in the mines with large reservoir and optimum extraction conditions and open new ones to increase production significantly. All will help the coal face considering their own task and raise the morale of the miners in their efforts. The electrical industry sector is responsible to channel the force fully operational all the equipment, and renovate and improve the system for transmission and distribution of electricity. The task of officials and workers of the metallurgical industry sector is to strengthen the great victory achieved in the perfection of indigenous iron production system and win at all costs its lofty goal of producing iron and steel materials. The railway is the forefront of national economy. Through a campaign of carrying more cargo, it is sufficient to cover the ever increasing demand for carrying the national economy as a whole and the whole country will rise decisively to modernize the railway.

The revolution in light industry is precisely the chemical industry. In large chemical industry and rebuilt in the areas of Hamhung, Sunchon Namhung and standardize the production and manufacture more of fibers, resins, different genres basic chemicals, fertilizers and agro-chemicals, needed to improve the lives of the population.

the agricultural front is the lifeline for the solution of the problem of welfare. We consider the jump in agricultural production as a key link to show full the superiority of socialism in our style and open the doors to the great prosperous powerful nation. In the agricultural sector checked through and through the guidance of the Party to carry out a revolution in terms of seeds and cultivation of potatoes, double crop and soybeans grow, and actively introduce organic farming and other methods and advanced farming techniques. Hard drive emulation by significantly increasing the harvest of grain per hectare according to the units that perform successfully copies the grand project of Party building rural. Today our party called to promote a revolution in the field helps. In compliance with its willingness to resolve the problem at all costs food, the supplies must be increased decisively state investment in agriculture. All other sectors and units take precedence over the provision of materials necessary for agriculture to culture processes involved.

The boom era of Songun is an eventful season that majestically rise more than ever monumental creations for the people's happiness. End as soon as the construction of the Hydroelectric Huichon, gasification work Hungnam and the construction of the 100 thousand households in the city of Pyongyang and other important objects. Will maximize the quality of buildings with the sublime spirit patriotic responsibility thousand years of them and guarantee them for ten thousand years. Transcendentally increase the production of building materials and hard drive settlement of modern bases.

One important way to accelerate the boom in the whole national economy is to continue to intensify efforts to reach the pinnacle of technology.

The idea of \u200b\u200bour Party in this endeavor is to overcome, based on his experience in making the rule of CNC technology and in the shortest time possible, the scientific and technical level achieved by the world in all sectors and get in the front row the era of knowledge economy. We must actively learn from the example of Combined Machinery Huichon Ryonha found his lead. We must ensure that not only mechanical engineering but also in all other industries, not only in industry but also central in local red hot is the endeavor to reach the top of the technology. We need to encourage transcendental core technologies, end key as information technology, nanotechnology and biotechnology and closely combine science and technology to production. Our hearts must burn for self-esteem in regard to outdo others scientific and technical competence and determination to shatter the scientific and technological blockade of the enemy with cannon to conquer our most advanced. Scientists and technicians, through their intense intellectual effort and technical research achievements valuable due to the revolution in light industry and the development of national economy and all, whoever they are, actively participate in the mass movement for technical innovation .

should be implemented consistently support the principle of power itself. What we create with our own strength and intelligence has a solid foundation, yields greater impact and offers a splendid perspective. As the builders of the polder Taegyedo, fulfilling the legacy of the great leader despite missing them all, they must rely only on their own strength and move forward with momentum. It must actively exploit and take advantage of abundant groundwater resources in the country to ensure raw materials and funds required to promoting the welfare of the people and the construction of economic power. Optimize

economic efforts is of an even more pressing now that will revitalize the national economy. It is necessary to adhere to the scientific and useful in the management, under the principle of socialist economic management to our style, and strictly observe discipline in planning, finance and administration work of all units.

must launch a campaign aimed at improving aspects of the whole country in view of their future status of great prosperous powerful nation.

The genuine builder of this power is that which, with a broad and innovative that would cover the world with their feet firmly on earth, know your industry and drive change in a revolutionary way. Corresponds to the educational sector to improve the quality of teaching and renewal conditions and environment, as required by the information age, to elevate the country as a powerhouse of talent. Respect the artistic and literary field, it's up to achieve the prolific production of masterpieces with the ideological line established policy and reflect the reality, works that can serve socialist education manuals. For the public health workers have the primary health care for people with devotion, develop medicine and to demonstrate the superiority of the socialist system of free medical care. We need fuel in the country the passion for the sport, to make the Songun Korea a force in football in a sports power.

The total commitment to the cause of building the great prosperous powerful nation is also reflected in the renovation of the homeland, as is the case of territorial and urban management. It is necessary to promote forward thinking and scientists to create parks and reforestation, as well as transform the homeland and the workplace in beautiful places socialist par excellence. The road revolution requires the efforts of all the people. Specificity we will print the design and construction of cities, taking into account the peculiarities of each of these and the global trend. It must make Pyongyang, capital of the revolution, a city full of trees, pollution free, beautiful and great city world class.

By all means raise the Party's guiding role is the decisive guarantee success in the overall progress this year.

This is a year that fills us with pride, then? Is the first to welcome after the Party Conference.

The spirit of this event is made up of the monolithic unity of those who are willing to continue to safeguard invariably the center of the junction, the direction, much as the years pass, the relentless march Forced to build a prosperous and powerful country, braving different tests, and the revolution continues to take to complete the revolutionary cause, following the great party. In the current era this spirit is to serve as the starting point for the construction and activities of our party and reflected in one and other.

is needed to establish more rigorous system of Party leadership in all areas as political, military and economic. We must educate the whole party as a body ideologically pure and organically integrated, consisting of those who are determined to share the same fate as the leader, and as tightly arranged rows leading to the realization of the decision of the leader.

Our party wants all organizations are so powerful and vivid enough to lead to head the mass breakthrough aimed at improving the living population. In their work will be applied to exactly how to fulfill the revolutionary tasks in close union of administrative agencies and the principle of using the method of political work in the development of all economic work. A party organizations play them comply with the public, deepened as her work with the man and responsibly address the problems of living of the population, as required revolutionary line with the masses.

The more ambitious is the task undertaken, and persistent enemy maneuver, the more vigorously promote the ideological offensive, this is the way to fight for our Party. A party organizations at various levels is incumbent upon them to maintain consistency and intensity in education with the Juche idea, the Songun, and consolidate as a monolithic ideological trench of socialism in our style. Train their members and other workers as unshakeable revolutionary era of Songun, imbued with the spirit of defending the life risk of their leader, the national self-esteem, support the forces themselves, and love to the future and sacrifice. Vigorously promote artistic and cultural activities among the masses, which convened and Hustler, and will invigorate the Movement for the Recovery of the Red Banner of the Three Revolutions.

is necessary to strengthen people's army fighting, keeping the revolutionary line of our party to prioritize military affairs.

Today the cause of the indigenous construction of army advances impetuously towards new and higher stages.

This year that marks the 20th anniversary of the appointment of the dear Comrade Kim Jong Il as Supreme Commander of KPA and 15 to the start of the Movement for the Seventh Regiment Title O Jung Hup, it is necessary that Army loyally follow the guidance of the great commander of Songun, and record new revolutionary changes in all military and political tasks.

Upholding the slogan "Defend life and death of the Party Central Committee headed by the great comrade Kim Jong Il!" Preserve intact the rich tradition to follow unconditionally defend life at the expense of the Party and the leader. It is necessary to perform the work intensely and tirelessly Party policy designed to strengthen further in the whole army single control system of the dear Comrade Supreme Commander, and forever preserve and highlight the revolutionary nature of Army forces and the Party leader.

tan workouts today, tomorrow will be the heroes of combat. As the tense situation, it is necessary organizing the exercises in a real battle and prepare all officers and commanders with high capacity universal remote control and all the soldiers as combatants capable of addressing each one hundred enemies, so they can support with arms the will of Party position on military issues at the forefront.

must improve the control and management of the unit, paying main attention to strengthening the company, implement iron military discipline in order to fully express the spirit and the combative aspect of the powerful revolutionary armed forces elite. So needed to achieve full unity between officers and soldiers, and collaboration military cadres and politicians, raising the slogan of turning the entire army in a group of comrades, and by all means consolidate the unity between the army and people, always taking the first initiative. Keep close watch, with our own concept of war and resolute determination to annihilate the enemy.

The spirit of the Popular Army, identical to the great Supreme Commander, is to attack Paektu, while the righteous way of reaction results in an immediate battle, merciless and devastating. Never forgive those who dare to discredit our dignity and the socialist system and invade an inch of our sky, land and sea. With its invincible weapon, fulfill the historic mission inevitably takes to the Fatherland and the nation.

If he progresses at full speed with the flag high as the main mass of the revolution, the whole society will be encouraged with the momentum of the boom. It is incumbent up monumental creations in all major construction sites of the great prosperous powerful nation and be a paradigm that leads the company with the revolutionary spirit, character and culture of its members.

national defense industry is a potential source of Songun Korea and a sure guarantee to improve people's lives. Must continue to meet precursor mission flawlessly in technology, and the locomotive that drives the whole economy.

is necessary to radically change the style and manner of work, according to the demands of the new era of the Songun revolution.

"Let us fight and believe as worthy descendants of the great comrade Kim Il Sung!" This is our maximum. We must fight with a great purpose, a high ideal, great courage and optimism, which was our leader. We must live every moment of the boom era of the indomitable temperament to do the impossible, with the audacity to amaze the world with our creations, and with impeccable work mode benefits revolutionary contribution to posterity.

of managers and other categories depends on the success of the long march for the improvement of people's lives. Not only will supporters of the Party's policy, but also practical men who know how to make it happen and fighters determined to meet more satisfactorily, honest, sincere and perfect with the tasks assigned to them by the Party. As the directors of the Youth Mine March 5, set high goals, screened all the work with appropriate methodologies and radically remade their units. All, with unfathomable attachment to their village, workplace, district and province, achieved through on their golden dreams.

The large contingent of players are young, vigorous defense of the country and socialist construction. Collective heroism exhibited in all the works to build a great prosperous powerful nation, under the banner of the Union of Socialist Youth Kim Il Sung. The hearts of the youth of the era of Songun have to burn with great hope and zeal for his weight gain supremacy in the country and in all fields of technology.

All workers' organizations have to focus on the ideological education to mobilize spiritual capacity of its members, and invigorate the socialist emulation, the activities of the shock brigade and other mass movements.

Last year, despite the sinister moves of divisive forces inside and outside the country, the movement for national reunification experienced an impetuous advance.

The significant commemoration in the north, south and abroad of the 10th anniversary of the publication of the Joint Statement of June 15 and 30 of the presentation of the proposal for the founding of the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo patenting the hot longing for the reintegration of our nation. Over time and despite many difficulties, the will of our nation to unite the country independently increasingly reaffirmed.

was also a year when the conservative authorities of South Korea revealed its true nature unreservedly as bellicose and manic minions opponents and advocates reunification confrontation. In collusion with foreign forces did not cease to plot against our republic and threatening to unleash a war, thereby thwarting the talks between North and South and national reconciliation. His ravings provoked the indignation of all nationals. If to the high risks of imminent aggression broke no war in the Korean Peninsula and held a variety of humanitarian activities between the two parties is entirely due to the Songun policy of love of country and nation and the patient efforts of our Republic.

The new decade of the century will be a period of hope, reunification and prosperity, which is to end the tragedy of national division.

Today, our nation there is another vital task of reunification. If you keep or not to appreciate the position and position the nation for independent reunification, is the touchstone to distinguish the patriot traitor to the nation.

This year, under the slogan "With the united strength of all compatriots North, South and abroad, we open a new phase for independent reunification! "Strive mightily to improve North-South relations and unite the country.

must be neutralized as soon as the state of confrontation between North and South.

The South Korean authorities must desist from its anti-reunification and confrontation between fellow countrymen, the subject of unanimous condemnation and rejection of the interior and exterior, and choose the path to respect and implement the Joint Statement of 15 June and October 4 Declaration. Also, stop immediately intrigues against our Republic and the repression of pro-reunification patriotic forces, preventing acts of reconciliation and national unity and violate the cause of reunification.

have to remove the danger of war created on the Korean Peninsula and maintaining peace.

If another war breaks out in this territory, the result will undoubtedly nuclear catastrophe. The whole nation must stand up and just the sacred patriotic struggle against war and defend peace on the Korean peninsula. War exercises for aggression on the north and the machinations by the increase of armaments, perpetrated by the warring forces inside and outside and which seriously threaten the national security and peace, must be stopped. The alliance with foreign forces leads to war, ruin the nation. All Mexican citizens should not tolerate criminals never moves of the bellicose pro-Yankee who, putting their fate in the foreign forces and in collusion with them, take the situation to the brink of war.

is required to actively promote the talks and collaboration.

have to make massive efforts to create an environment for talks and cooperation between North and South, bringing to the forefront the common interests of the nation. Should ensure the free travel and exchange of all classes and social strata and by promoting collaboration, make contributions to the improvement of bilateral relations and reunification.

The North-South Joint Declaration is the banner of independent reunification and a landmark of the prosperity of the nation that all this must invariably fly. All North Koreans, the South and abroad should be considered as the life of the movement for reunification of that statement and its basic spirit, the ideal of "By our nation itself", and realize them fully. Here's the bright future of our nation.

What happened last year in the international arena shows that can never be acceptable coercion and arbitrariness of the imperialists and nothing will be possible to stop the trend of the times to independence. Our position is unchanged and will to maintain peace in Northeast Asia and the entire Korean Peninsula denuclearization. Also from now on, we will strive with determination to develop friendly relations and cooperation with countries under the ideal of independence, peace and friendship, we are friendly, and to verify the independence in the world.

The cause of our Party is leading the way of wins from generation to generation and from century to century, is today the same way with force and ebullient mood. There was no time like today, when we balance the story a hundred years of Korea's Kim Il Sung, with high national dignity and belief in the future that is catching on strongly in the hearts of our people.

already glimpsed the door of victory. The militant appeal of our party to give spurs consecutive general progress of the revolution becomes the flag of the massive renovation to excel in the world to jump at a stretch the last stages by others, the flag of patriotism and fidelity to the great leader for fulfill at all costs in our generation the desire to build a great prosperous powerful nation. Until the day of final victory, marching with firm steps giving spurs to the steed successive Chollima the Songun era for great leaps and promote the general offensive.

All compactly united around the Party Central Committee headed by the great leader Kim Jong Il and full of conviction, we record a breakthrough in building a great prosperous powerful nation.