Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Get Cubefield On Your Ipod Touch'

With food not played

seems that human beings do not learn, so that is either a fool or some feel smart. From what can be described is unwise, even evil. Some may ask, "What evil?" Yes, because at a natural lean animals fight for food, because their survival instincts, but they will not ever do is to engage in livelihood store because it does dedicate much less play with it.

For over half a century, Albert Einstein predicted that one of the great problems of humanity in the twentieth century was going to be hunger. Moreover, in the 60 young idealists advocated that it was all political. And the English popular wisdom, it is very wise when it wants, has a saying, well I either worldwide.

turns out that as we are immersed in this phenomenon, it seems as economists say, cyclical, called crises, the markets now has given strong food and raw materials. This obviously is not new, but at this point is already a very worrying as the millions of people every day hungry in this world have to start adding them new hordes of hungry. And it seems that in the coming years is forecast that the figure will rise. So Einstein's predictions would extend to this still young, but not least Machiavellian century. And I say this because once declared the financial crisis in which as we all know many people in different countries that make up the Earth, have been left without a place to live, now is also intended to leave without taking a piece of bread in your mouth. Phenomenon is much talk of eviction in the "first world", and the increase in inflation. But friends, we must remember that if those who live in that world first infallible course things are costing us more expensive and complex to reach the end of the month with all bills paid, the countries of the third stage they have greater difficulty . They also suffer from this crisis, even a more terrible, and yet they are the most forgotten. Impulsive cries silenced by Merkel and EU countries to keep their precious money, silenced by the rise of emerging cases (with a very black population), silenced by the great Western Narciso.

So, the markets, helped by retail investors (it has always been so wise and it seems that not chastens or a loss), are dedicated to speculate on the price of rice, soybeans , cereals, oil, sugar, corn, meat, etc. However, this is not a story that will appear the headlines in newspapers around the world or header information in front of televisions. No, of course not. It's much easier to explain a social revolt from a political or economic, ignoring and silencing the many different origins that lead to an entire population to take to the streets. These days we have clear examples in the countries of the Mediterranean, soon we'll see what happens in some Latin American countries, in Africa and Asia. And certainly, this is also reflected in some people of the far-called rich countries.

The always vilified Africa has problems paying for such basic foods as cereals and rice. In Mexico some time ago that there is shortage of corn for its population, since most of the production goes to the production of biofuel for the neighboring country. In Argentina, once considered the breadbasket of the world ", the landscape of the route has mutated considerably, where cows grazed before, now grown large areas of soybeans for export. In Asia, rice prices rises. And the Arab Mediterranean countries will have doubled the price of oil, sugar and cereals.

Africa, which emits large amounts of fruits and vegetables for running on the European markets through its commercial network, go hungry.

Much of Latin America, with its system of import substitution in place long ago, and hungry.

Asia, with two of the strongest emerging countries considered, has an enormous masses of people who go hungry.

In Muslim countries of the Mediterranean, drowned in miserable wages and poverty in the countryside, starts screaming before you start to starve.

In the U.S., Canada, Russia and Europe hundreds of people dispossessed by the system are hungry and the middle classes begin to notice the damage colaterabilidad critical financial offensive.

We can not rouse these data, we should not, would not be proper to the human condition. Children have always been taught not to play with food, why the elderly are engaged in playing with food cards like pocker? They have many lights, but the bet is dangerous. These international gamblers are playing the lives of children, women and men with names, families, alive.

And I do not want help. This is not about politics and economics, this is life.

* The images used are taken from the Internet.


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