Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pararescue Saves Navy Seals

I do not get CNN + ...

In this post, which already had written when she appeared the previous entry in Shout Piñera talking wolves and their adventures, I note Ramon throws a dart exposing the nerve to many politicians who are dedicated to promise a program and then make them hidden agenda established in its masters. Alert politicians should be before employers, to those who make capital drive belt, before saying one thing and then have a hidden agenda, to those who are supported by the multinationals and the business world, its media to defend their illegitimate interests, to insult the opponent to lead us to think how bad it is and the need for alternatives even his empty ... They want to manage the state as an enterprise, regardless of their social role, its involvement with citizenship and sovereignty that is. The downside is that creating an opinion on the go convenience and incompetence of politicians to manage that condition, so they are presented, with its principles as a valid alternative. The big problem is that they have to service the world of communication, television and other media ...

I watch little television, but when I do I usually do zapping to find out if there is something interesting, I do not eat coconut take me to the idiocy of the boob induced. It seems that we do not realize the impact it has on TV in the creation of opinion, but not only in view, as it emerge other things, such as attitude and shape or pattern of thinking and dealing with things. He has a social mirror function, just taking behaviors that occur as normal and bearable from our perspective.

There are programs that I am eligible stultifying par excellence, as they are, the reality show, some talk shows, programs from the heart, etc. seeking to free ourselves from our own shame by comparison. When you look me in the mirror I find that I go favored (the vulgar subject of big brother is a unpresentable, something I am not, and still appears on television without censorship or subterfuge, the roof has put me short and I should not worry or strive to improve). On the other hand we gossip, that kind of social vice of the human being to walk takes you project onto others, sticking their noses into other people's lives when it is not able to arrange his own, seeking the satisfaction to discover the shortcomings of others that reinforce their own ego .

But there is another significant variable. Loneliness in the company that both swarming around our society and within our own families, do we seek with eagerness and willingness, a contact with the outside world that does not traumatize us, allowing us to control the situation without relational disputes which tend to generate human relationships with actors outside the group, we fill the huge emptiness that grips. Then comes the TV, that window to the world that makes us see how things were and thus how we act on them. Our own debate, the fabric of the plot, the shape and structure of it, just caught on TV by projection and identification with certain actors or models that show either high level of mediocrity well presented as normal. It is easier and more rewarding to see the Belén Esteban saying nonsense that are understandable, and somewhat pathetic criticism wit, that a Punset interviewing a scientist who presents the result of hard work and research that opens the mind to knowledge fields science major. That costs more, because we have no basis to understand and end up feeling inferior and destroying our ego. So we'll see each other and we do not propose to see that Punset that leads to questions, we minimized and confronts us with our limitations. Our spirit of excellence is neutralized.

TV has two clear ways to get our attention. One is treating us like children and get us into distraction with trifles and another is treated as adults and offer critical programs, content-laden story that makes us understand and develop our minds. Depending on how we respond to one or the other claim. Unfortunately, spectators tend to have more childlike they mature. If we add that TV has several functions, which I emphasize to win the money according to the ratio of viewers who have, through advertising, and to educate and create public opinion, we conclude that the former prevails no matter too much impact on social behavior that are developing or enhancing.

has been enhanced a model of social gatherings where the debate is presented as a form of confrontation resistant to logical argument otherwise. Where the talk show becomes "tontuliano" as his closed mind does not permit or a new idea to go against his recital, but this is obvious. The aggressive, tough, disrespectful, disqualifying and often insulting, plant a model of destructive and confrontational debate it does not help to understand the staff, to meet and synergy that leads to rapprochement and sharing, which are the guarantors of a good living.

Then there is the intention or objective that seeks the owner of the roost, that is the master station. Knowing that is a very important instrument of manipulation and social influence, who is aware that a station can lend a sardine ember of his master, to validate their interests, behavior and leadership? Berlusconi's case is a clear example. Hard to believe that a people can vote for a subject of such catadura without questioning their actions, morals, ethics, values \u200b\u200band principles, unless it is alienated from their media. There are other elements, such as Murdoch, holding a news empire, which gives more power over the masses than any other, and seeks to serve the interests of its people. The influence of these media is the best guarantee of power over the masses that can be.

could go on endlessly talking about it, there are nuances and elements of analysis for this, but I conclude with my regret that the destination of CNN +. I am shocked to see Big Brother on screens where Iñaki Gabilondo was before, even-handed news reports, discussions and commentators sedate targets ... al menos bajo mi criterio.

Cada vez nos quedan menos medios en los que confiar, menos aliados defensores de la libertad de prensa, al usarla ellos en su propio beneficio informativo. Cada vez nos quieren comer más el coco. Fuerzas ocultas dominan los medios, pagan y exigen a los profesionales conductas asociadas a sus pretensiones… Sospecho que estas, las pretensiones, son descalificar y corromper a la política y sus políticos, de embrutecer a la gente y hacer de pastor del rebaño, de autoridad moral ética y de guía para el observador hasta llevarlo a su redil. Está claro que el neoliberalismo quiere romper ataduras, condicionantes y normas que le sometan desde el Estado. Es más, pretende ser el agente dominante system, ignoring rules of contract and social commitment than the free market for it they want, and they will get if we do not preserve, dominate the media and guide at your service. Difficult to rely upon us, but still, we can only alternative critical attitude, open-minded and analytical to make us more mature and demanding not to fall into their networks. The blog world can be a refuge and a stronghold to scream and deny your game ... We will grow?


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