Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How To Decorate A Cake Using A Ziplock Bag


no doubt whatever density we live. I do not intend to turn this into a diary, not even a note of urgency, but I will allow that outlines some of the aspects that report, I / we occupy. Is jasmine revolution that has spread to Egypt, for example. From the outside look like a liberation movement that I support without question. Yet they can also realize how bad things are done: Europe and USA fought for years to dictatorial governments of these countries because they represented an obstacle to radical Islam. Obviously the radical Islamism as little as I like them, but the best way to combat it was to support these dictatorships or soft dictatorship? I think it is of course not.

has also been very amusing to see the ridiculous in Europe: here no one spoke until he did Obama. Then yes, when they have permission from the boss, we all fill your mouth and say things higher and clearer than anyone. But first we have to talk the boss. We

these days also had a funny note, as a harmless joke: the ascent to the Marquis of a football coach and a great writer, but fascist. It's like a joke, do not tell me. I'm glad because with these ridiculous and silly things monarchical what seems increasingly to a bad operetta.

In the best of these weeks: the imminent publication of a new novel by my dear and admired Juan Marse: Calligraphy dreams. And back to what we like about him: aventis and neighborhood Health postwar dreams turned into collective hallucinations. Return to the great portrait of the characters and the creation of a thug and limit climate. In an interview on Saturday claimed Marsé Babelia fiction. In it, I read a powerful statement: "Sometimes there is more truth in fiction than everyday reality. For example, I often read things in the press that the just do not believe me. I'll say it another way, for me Madame Bovary is more real than Mrs. Esperanza Aguirre. " Great phrase. I agree with Mars. In fact, I think Esperanza Aguirre does not exist.

All is still as crystal clear. We have, for example, lehendakari Lopez is one of those socialists who discouraged me and give me bad feeling. The pact with the PP has crime, but more so his particular defense Euskera language theory should occupy him bluntly. Has proposed to form an advisory board of the Basque language and turncoat to impresentable Jon Juaristi, a close friend of the aforementioned Esperanza, which is credited with such immortal phrases as "I'll never speak Euskera your ungrateful," for me is a language of the past "or" Without it, would have an upset, but not great. " Well I will defend, so he looks. Well, once again the Socialists comfort of the PP and making the block independence grows. They're aces.

And the last thing I want to gloss has to do with some current controversy is these days in Barcelona. The UGT union relented rules a site that was in Barcelona's Olympic Village for the construction of protected flats, these flats which are then delivered by lot. He wanted the fate of two of those floors have gone to two leaders of the union, and a third sister of the secretary general. The case, titled in some way as Chanchullo the UGT, merely confirm the dismay that grips us. For those interested, here are some pages that talk in detail about the case: 1 , and 2 3 .

I always applaud those who contribute, with great consistency, to make life better. Never fall into the systematic denigration the political or trade unionist. There are many good ones. But this does not conflict with my anger with some unions and the required reporting of certain attitudes. Also in Barcelona there is conflict between several unions that are fighting over a meter or a meter less, and other unions that require the state's coffers modern and comfortable. I guess I knew and that is logical, but remember the other day that union facilities are paid by the State gave me bad scene: not the best way is not the cleanest. The issue of financing of trade unions, of which so little is spoken, must be ever on the table. Or every day the workers will make less If his instructions. Txema

in his blog, has a pair of tickets when I read this weekend I thought that complemented some of what I wanted to say I'm here. Links them because he gave me his permission (it and it.) Their critical but constructive I think that just means we all need, on that topic and others. Anyway, happy week.


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