Monday, March 14, 2011

Will Aluminum Foil Block Emf

Are we fools ... or like us? Traveling to Kabul

Lately I'm scattered, or rather, somewhat confused and concerned about proposals that may not fit the popular interest that has been observed, but not without its tendency instructive. I think largely we are losing the north.

We walk in a troubled world, full of doubts, questions, uncertainty and questioning of the principles and values \u200b\u200bthat should govern a just and balanced society, where human beings take ownership and seek to develop each and every one of the members of this society, with the intention of establishing synergies, convergence, allowing the development of the social from the sum and not from the division and subtraction.

This crisis is driving us crazy or at least we decentralization in rational approaches for analysis. Interestingly, the subjects who are led out free from it and have achieved or are on it, focus and allocate the responsibilities of the same politicians and in questioning the very system of representative democracy.

aberrant In this way everything is bought and sold, but is responsible for both the buying act as the seller. Mercantilism has reached everywhere and where not come with the purchase of Intent illegitimate interests, it comes with blackmail, to get the submission. That scares me to: "Either you follow me or you sink." Politicians or fall on that game or are already predisposed to play.

The truth is that they are facing two forms or ideas of organization and political dependence economic, how GDP is distributed, where will the capital gains and investment work, how it channels human effort and focus was where the benefits of that effort.

True democracy involves the election of village representatives, the voter in the exercise of its sovereignty. While we have the option to vote, to choose who governs us, we will be able to bring the situation to the place that interests us. But no use if the elected president, which delegate the power to manage the common interests of society, has the ability to direct appropriate policies for managing for a strong and supportive, which deprive the interests of the majority over a bunch of greedy individuals who only seek personal gain. If the ruling in the end, has to undergo global market interests, we are lost.

is amazing how, in a situation like the present, increases the number of billionaires and grow capital, including our compatriot Zara, while poverty marches, as an apocalyptic horse among the lower classes. And this, dear readers, in my opinion, is only possible from the dumbing down of the public, ie us imbeciles, understood as: "alleles, short of reason"; or whatever it is, undress the critical spirit that must accompany any rational human being, endowed with reason or faculty of reasoning.

Our reason has been manipulated, refocused and directed towards the goals they are interested in the subjects who go defend liberalism and mercantilism, the so-called free market, as if it were a philosophy of life based on principles and human values, when what is a question of commercial interests, deceptions and fallacies that we want to present the progress from the GET and not from the very existence of a humanistic vision of life.

I do not think we have been created or developed, given our intelligence, to plunder the environment, to consume barbarously and depleting natural resources, to insulate us from the very nature and become the main enemies of the ecological balance. As much as we have said, religions or dominant cultures, who are the kings of the universe, created in the likeness of God himself, and that everything is to serve and belong to us as superior beings, is an idiot or fool not to think , understand and manage the functioning of life itself and its sustainable balance. We

myopic, we see only the short term. Egoism may be the engine of this myopia, but a good selfish, intelligent, rational, looking after their own interests, then consider the allocation and conservation resources in the medium and long term. Even a well focused selfish nature would be conservative and better resource manager for the sake of survival. So perhaps we should talk about a new concept of solidarity as a species selfishness ... "What I'm doing well to me going well with you and vice versa."

Greed and avarice of a few who understood the power from the control of resources and from the possibility of creating needs people to enhance their trade and consumption, stuck in a consumer system and therefore slave to meet the needs created, are the real cause of the crisis. May be attributed to Zapatero, Camps, Perico downstroke, its mismanagement, may attempt to emerge unscathed from the crisis, but only with a time of just reasoning is dismantled shed. The politician, political evil, go to the brawl, making the game, vilified the art of politics, confronting from bad to less bad, rather than from the good to the kinder, slandering opponents and creating disaffected and longing for times past where there was nothing to think because you gave it all done, thought and tax.

We threw stones at our own roof, walking impaired, yes, but our goal should be repaired and throw stones at the roof opposite, those trying to deceive and impose their own benefit models. They just leave us to eat the crumbs that fall from their tables full and they always serve their interests. Fix it for the roof, we demand loyalty, honesty and ethics to our politicians, but do not forget that those who buy them, blackmail and subject are the cause of the crisis. They walk across the roof.

is very common to receive emails alluding to corruption, the high salaries of politicians, to degeneration and mismanagement. Not for me to defend unpresentable behavior, if not criminal, no, it is the duty of every citizen to request cleaning, honesty and clarity in governance. But come with me idea that a company by virtue of being private, has carte blanche to make his cloak a cloak, to squander the money or manage at will, without considering, as is the case of banking and business community, a fair distribution of benefits.

millionaire bankers salaries, pensions scandal (far beyond what the presidents of the government), parachutes and a long list of actions unpresentable ... Nobody talks about that. No one mentions that the crisis caused the financial system and the speculation, no one demands responsibility belongs with, in this group between the shadow and the anonymity that moves with the force of capital and its agencies, the threads of the economy mundial. Mientras, ellos, siguen inflando sus arcas. Nadie demanda que dejen de usar el poder económico para comprar y/o chantajear mafiosamente a los poderes democráticos.

Los medios de comunicación, al amparo y exigencia de sus dueños, manipulan y desorientan, centra su artillería sobre determinados frentes, a veces menores, para eximir a los verdaderos responsables, con sus maniobras de distracción. Cada vez que uno ve un debate entre periodistas, políticos y demás elementos afines, se observa la clara tendencia, monolítica, de argumentos enquistados, resistentes a la lógica, que pretenden convencernos de posturas irracionales en defensa de sus amos.

¿Un periodista puede be so stupid to not realize where the real root of the problem? How can they want us to communicate with treadmills? It is only possible if you follow instructions. And, their arguments, that sort of diversion of attention, try to make us fall into the trap, the trap of idiots, morons of us, for us to use their premises rather than own, which, from the use of reason should have led us to a fair and balanced analysis of the situation other than they do, focusing guilt, mostly in those who walk between racks. Luckily there are still some politicians, journalists, intellectuals, etc. that put light and clarity on the way, that help us understand what happens.

Therefore, television, private in this case, go to the brawl to defend their land, unethical and in the lee of the pure commercial marketing benefits granted by the wider audience. Do not ask the ethics of money and profit, both are part of the game of greed, which is passed through the lining of ethics. Berlusconi & Co. bought the media and use them, for it is yours ... Some idiot programs loudly insulting on Jesulin, cribs, big brothers and others, others offensive to the real discussions human dialectic, to attempt understanding through dialogue and exchange respectful of ideas with constructive purpose, without avoiding chains, theory of economics, where the insult and the disqualification is grown up in the SMS. They get into our house subtly and when you realize you go eating the coconut and you have eaten.

Well, considering that the subject is to write pages and pages, we conclude and make it clear, at least in my opinion, that war or conflict is between a strong and democratic (understood by all State agencies members of the public administration, both central and regional and local, and legislative, judicial and executive), capable of defending its citizens and making a justa distribución de la renta y del crecimiento sostenido y sostenible, de garantizar unos derechos elementales que permitan la supervivencia, sin quebranto y con solvencia, de todo el conjunto de la sociedad, de poner coto y ley a los especuladores y de controlar los movimientos del capital, en ese juego perverso de la ingeniería financiera, que rompe la esencia de los valores humanos anteponiendo el interés de un colectivo a la propia humanidad y, de otra parte, esa concepción neoliberal, curiosamente aliada del neoconservadurismo, que pretende desmontar el Estado para que sea la libre competencia que, en plan darviniano, determine la supremacía del más fuerte. Es una concepción belicosa de la convivencia, donde el sujeto tiene to fight to death to survive. In these circumstances it is the phrase that to: "He who is born poor and ugly that has great potential to grow, develop both conditions ..."

If we want the world to change and to flow to social justice and humane and peaceful coexistence, will have to eliminate the elements of confrontation and conflict cultivate these are none other than the clash of economic interests and disregard for the lives of others and human rights. There will be an advocate for a strong and democratic state, even universal commitment to the sovereign citizens knowledgeable of where their real interests.

bad thing, my friends is that there continue to be a corrupt political elections covered by the apparatus of parties that do not play fair and keep getting elected. The problem is therefore not only in themselves but in whom the vote. Maybe our society and of itself is corrupt, so it should be recast with new principles and values. There will be educated on that responsibility, so that the voter approach is consistent, rational and non-manipulable.

We are therefore in a war economy, war, which should be directed to the constructive and supportive, the human economy. Meanwhile, from the side of idiocy, you will only blaming politicians, immigrants, unemployment benefits, the high cost of public services, low productivity, high wages ... while the real culprits go hidden in their desks, manipulating and controlling the homeostatic process that has been unleashed by the crisis so that, ultimately, be beneficial for them, with the results already known. At the moment they are winning, as the global economic power and political has not played in different fields in different leagues, the chapions them and us in second or, perhaps, even regional preference. Must be smart.

attached two videos on "THE CRISIS OF THE CENTURY" is worth seeing and listening and I apologize for such a long entry.


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