Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cough Dry Spot In Back Of Throat


Now we approach the Christmas giving and receiving gifts among them will not miss a book. When the gift is mere formality, for example the invisible friend, is very handy to use self-help manuals. In a few chapters you find all the secrets of happiness. Whether you have a horse depression: the happiness is within reach of all thank these authors who have discovered the reef.
few years ago was wonderful fluoxetine: if you were low mood, tired of the daily routine, enough of the meddlesome mother: recipe for singing and being happy are two days.
He once told the doctor that she was sick of relying on Prozac and alprazolam. I challenged everyone to a drink: for tension, diabetes, cholesterol or whatever. Why you going to be different?
The fact is that, more than anything to contradict him, dispensed pills and restricted to just take sleeping pills when I'm truly desperate. Insomnia is a curse that haunts me for some years.
This was when I remembered an article he had read of a young girl. A man who had all failed to interest him told his doctor. I came n illo tempore when family doctors sat in the chair and I said,
- Tell me what's wrong?
Because now there are some who look at you as if you were a rare insect placed on a microscope slide and what happens to you or you leave to go give a damn.
Well, the doctor listened carefully and prescribed a few tips very curious. First he asked if there was any place in the world where he felt truly happy and carefree. The patient said yes: small I used to go to the beach and that she always went very well.
- Well, go there, "replied the doctor, all alone. Once you arrive you read these pages, there are guidelines.
The first was: listens. A little reluctantly prepared to obey: the wind, waves, the rustling of the grass growing through the sand dunes ... Accustomed to a frenetic pace of life seemed to stop time, frozen. His mind went blank only aware of the noises that were fainter than the gale.
The second, is to go back . "Back? But if the concerns were in the present and not the past. How far back? Almost without realizing it started fishing recall afternoons, mornings beach, fair days of carousels and cotton candy clouds. He heard the voice of his dead brother in the war, their parents and occasional playmates. He found himself smiling.
The third council was more aggressive: check your motivations. This recipe was defensive: what did the doctor say? What your value was not correct? However, alone with his soul, he acknowledged that. That really did not want to climb that they had increased their wages but also stole many hours of leisure and living with his family. Had to decide what I was doing and came to the conclusion it's not what you eat but what you digest.
The latter, with the sun sinking into the sunset: write your worries on the sand .
He did so, close, very close to the shore, knowing that once the tide climbed the words disappear.
In fact, continued the writer, he first had to be prepared for the exercise of introspection to come, hence the solitude and communion with nature, then I remember how it feels when one is happy in order to identify wedges of the present malaise, and last made the diagnosis after finding his own medicine.
And right now, I remember Rafa whose leitmotif: bought time in exchange for money and I pray I never went wrong.

I'm about to return to the Algerian Hamada, one of the most horrific and most beautiful of the earth.
During the day "Saturday" with its unique light, at night, counting stars while from the dunes, reach me, my own voice.
laughed and cried with my friends Saharawi have reason to be wrong but without self-help manuals or miracle pills, make you happy on the basis of generosity and hospitality. The desert is the only place where I can sleep without drugs pull, the one where I can disconnect from everything and charge my batteries inside. I learned that you can live with very little, what has to happen will happen, I can not control everything, and more importantly have the time that although these are Swiss watches.
reread the writing and I think I've done what these authors criticized at first.
Take it as a virtual Christmas gift and if you like it and if not, you leave it in the junk drawer and that was that.
If you come to the end is that you truly are saints.


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